Southern Baptist Evangelical REPUBLICAN Preacher and Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) and Arkansas Republicans have taken this story and used it to smear the Clinton family with another vicious, poisonous, deceitful lie They tied this case to the "murder" of Democratic Party Worker Seth Rich, who they say was murdered on orders of Hillary Clinton. Claiming the boys were killed by a drug cartel connected to the Clinton family. These vicious liars even claimed the murderers/drug dealers were on radios/phones taking instructions from an Arkansas politician. Lie upon lie, dipped in deceit and covered with a façade of fake "christianity". As Jesus said, there is NO such thing as a VICIOUS Christian.
Southern Baptist Preacher and Republican Governor Mike Huckabee's son TORTURED AND MURDERED and quite possibly sexually mutilated a dog(s) in front of 12 to 17-year-old Boy Scouts. Daddy killed the investigation, just like it is always been handled in the Evangelical "christian" Bible Belt. Remember Mississippi "christian" police and prosecutors refused to investigate the TORTURE/MURDER of college students Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner who were murdered by a Southern Baptist Preacher and KKK Police Officers for registering blacks to vote.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is finding that his record in office is getting more scrutiny. One issue likely to get attention is his handling of a sensitive family matter: allegations that one of his sons was involved in the hanging of a stray dog at a Boy Scout camp in 1998. The incident led to the dismissal of David Huckabee, then 17, from his job as a counselor at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, Ark. It also prompted the local prosecuting attorney— bombarded with complaints generated by a national animal-rights group—to write a letter to the Arkansas state police seeking help investigating whether David and another teenager had violated state animal-cruelty laws. The state police never granted the request, and no charges were ever filed. But John Bailey, then the director of Arkansas's state police, tells NEWSWEEK that Governor Huckabee's chief of staff and personal lawyer both leaned on him to write a letter officially denying the local prosecutor's request. Bailey, a career officer who had been appointed chief by Huckabee's Democratic predecessor, said he viewed the lawyer's intervention as improper and terminated the conversation. Seven months later, he was called into Huckabee's office and fired. "I've lost confidence in your ability to do your job," Bailey says Huckabee told him. One reason Huckabee cited was "I couldn't get you to help me with my son when I had that problem," according to Bailey. "Without question, [Huckabee] was making a conscious attempt to keep the state police from investigating his son," says I. C. Smith, the former FBI chief in Little Rock, who worked closely with Bailey and called him a "courageous" and "very solid" professional. Newsweek Magazine 2007
If he provided security on the drug drop, as you would expect a DRUG ENFORCER to do, what were his actions when the two boys innocently stumbled upon the drug smugglers/dealers? The boys were witnesses and had to be killed. Question: did you do anything to stop these boys' TORTURE/MURDER? Did you immediately grab a vehicle and head to the nearest FBI office to report the torture/murder of these two boys? If you did not, why not? Did you draw your weapon and hold your cohorts at bay, rescuing these INNOCENT boys and taking them to safety. If not, why not? Do you have any photos of yourself with Bill and Hillary? Any recordings, video or audio, of yourself with them? Do you have any newspaper articles listing you in the same room with them, ever?
But I have a much, much more serious series of questions for this Evangelical Republican Armed Drug Dealer Enforcer. When did you meet Baptist Preacher Mike Huckabee. Did you consult him about this case before coming forward? Did Preacher Huckabee ever give you money? Did Preacher Huckabee ever tell you what to say or to lie? When you said you or your confederates spoke of an Arkansas Politician was it Governor and Southern Baptist Preacher Mike Huckabee? We know Preacher Huckabee hates the Clintons and is not averse to lying, remember his daughter Sarah Huckabee and all the lies she told for Donald Trump? I do.
#2 If he was providing security for this HUGE, ILLEGAL Plane drug drop, wouldn't that mean he was armed and he would have been the man, the ENFORCER, to have caught and dealt with the boys when they stumbled upon the illegal drug drop? And wouldn't he have administered any "discipline/resolution" to Kevin Ives and Don Henry that his drug overlord/boss determined was appropriate? If not you, then why not you? If not you, then who? We know what the drug boss's instructions were by the fate was by the TORTURE/MURDER of these two boys? Who gave the order? Who TORTURED AND MURDERED THESE TWO BOYS IN YOUR PRESENCE? You were there NAME, NAMES. You claim to be a Christian, prove it. We are probably right to think it was not the associates who were retrieving the drugs and loading them into the vehicles did not do it---they were too busy. Killing children is not something anyone working for a drug overlord would do on their own initiative, unless it was there job or under his direct orders. Why would it not be this drug overlord's guard/enforcer/armed security guard, who would handle the problem, if not you, then who did it? NAME NAMES! Security has a specific meaning, armed and ready for any intruders, that was his job. Kevin Ives and Don Henry stumbled on this drug deal and they had to be eliminated.
Alexander Arkansas showing the site of the Drug Drop and Kevin Ives and Don Henry's TORTURE/MURDER
It would be very suspicious to the average American for a man providing security to vicious drug dealers would also be a total innocent at one of their massacres. The law is very clear, if you are involved in a criminal act and enterprise and someone is killed, especially when they are CHILDREN TORTURED AND MURDERED BY THE CRIMINALS INVOLVED, then everyone involved in the criminal enterprise is equally guilty and subject to first degree FELONY MURDER. Why aren't you a part of this criminal enterprise when you've already confessed that you were? How do you or your defender Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) explain that?
#3 Whatever mistakes I may have made in my life, I WOULD NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO TORTURE AND MURDER CHILDREN IN MY PRESENCE and then remain silent for 10 minutes, much less 30 years. I would have immediately called the FBI assuming this local jurisdiction had a corruption problem.
#4 The Ex-Wrestler and Ex-Drug Dealer/Enforcer smears the Clintons but doesn't name the people who took part in Kevin Ives and Don Henry's TORTURE/MURDER? And makes it sounds like he was an innocent ARMED Drug Enforcer at the MASSACRE. If he was there then taking part in multiple FELONIES, then the Felony Murder Statute make him equally guilty, since they were all part of the same criminal enterprise. The Torture/Murder of Kevin Ives and Don Henry were a part of his/their drug enterprise.
Felony Murder Doctrine
Felony Murder is a legal doctrine in common law that broadens the crime of murder: when an offender kills someone in the commission of a dangerous crime, like drug smuggling, the offender and his accomplices or co-conspirators, can be found guilty of 1st Degree Murder as well. The conspirator doesn't even have to be within miles of the murder to be guilty of the crime of 1st Degree Felony Murder. Like Mafia Capos, they are equally guilty of the murders of their assassins commit. Every member of the criminal enterprise is equally responsible and guilty of any and all acts and crimes committed by their co-conspirators in furtherance of their criminal enterprise. There is NO statute of limitations for murder. If you murder or conspire to commit a crime with someone else, a crime in which someone is killed, you should be and will be liable for arrest for the murder until the day you die.
Remember Trumpeteer Roger Stone was pardoned by Donald Trump after accusing Hillary of multiple murders. All lies. For those who have forgotten perjury is one of the many, many crimes with which Roger Stone was set to serve several years in prison. Lying is second nature to vicious, hateful evil people like Roger Stone, Evangelical Christian Lee Atwater, Paul Manafort and Steve Bannon.
Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Born Again Evangelical Lee Atwater working on Ronald Reagan's campaign, they met under Nixon and flourished under Reagan and Trump.
After the election the 1980 Reagan election, Atwater was named chairman of the Republican National Committee. Shortly after Atwater took over the RNC, Jim Wright, a Democrat, was forced to resign as Speaker of the House and was succeeded by Tom Foley.
On the day that Foley officially became speaker, the Republican National Committee began circulating a memo to Republican House Members and state party chair people called "Tom Foley: Out of the Liberal Closet". The memo compared Foley's voting record with that of openly gay Congressman Barney Frank, with a subtle implication that Foley, too, was gay. It had been crafted by RNC communications director Mark Goodin and by House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich. In fact, Gingrich had been attempting to convince several reporters to print it. The memo was harshly condemned by both political parties. Republican Senate leader Bob Dole, for instance, said in a speech in the Senate chamber, "This is not politics. This is garbage"
Seth Rich's family sued Fox News for lying and saying that their son was a source for Julian Assange and Wikileaks. He wasn't. Seth was murdered by a mugger on the street near his home. The following Rolling Stone headline sums up the truth, Fox pays millions in damages for their lies about Seth Rich and Hillary Clinton caused their family.
Fox News and the Republican Party DELIBERATELY, WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT, lied about Hillary Clinton and Seth Rich for their own profit. They didn't give a damn about the pain the inflicted on their victims.
From Rolling Stone Magazine:
Seth Rich’s Parents Settle Their Blockbuster
Lawsuit Against Fox News
The network that mainstreamed a conspiracy theory
about a murdered DNC staffer has settled with his family —
just as top Fox personalities were slated to testify
From Business Insider:
Fox News required its settlement with the family of killed DNC staffer Seth Rich remain undisclosed until after the 2020 election
In settling a lawsuit with the parents of Seth Rich, the DNC staffer murdered in 2016, Fox News stipulated the settlement remain private until after the 2020 election, The New York Times reported.
The multi-million dollar settlement was announced at the end of November, more than a month after it was reached on October 12, according to the report.
Seth Rich was shot and killed in July 2016 in Washington, DC, and his death prompted numerous, baseless conspiracy right-wing conspiracy theories related to Wikileaks publishing of internal DNC emails.
His parents, Mary and Joel Rich, sued Fox News two years ago for emotional distress.
The Republican "christian" REFORM DA turned out to be working for drug dealers. His promise was a lie, he never prosecuted anyone for the crime. It is now universally agreed, these boys stumbled on a drug plane drop and were tortured and murdered, then left on train tracks to destroy evidence. The local coroner's horrific "mistake" proves he was corrupt, dishonest or incompetent.
15-year-old Christian Adamek is dead, MURDERED by an Alabama Southern Baptist Preacher and the local Southern Baptist Sheriff
Chris Adamek was an average teenager in Harvest Alabama. He played sports and was on the JV Football Team at Sparkman High School. His buddies convinced him to streak a football game as a prank. Kids have been mooning and streaking for the last 100 years. But this time it was different. The local "pro-life" Southern Baptist Preacher convinced the "pro-life" Evangelical Sheriff to arrest Chris. Then the Preacher convinced the Evangelical District Attorney to try Chris as an adult sex offender with a possible ten year prison sentence. Well, they got their wish, Chris committed suicide. I bet this Satanic Preacher and Sheriff had a good laugh together for murdering Chris, after they washed Chris's blood off their hands. As if they could ever wash Chris's blood off their "pro-life" "christian" perverted, evil hands.
I bet Jesus had a laugh at Chris's hijinks and shenanigans. And was glad to have him join him in heaven. I hope I am there when Jesus personally slams the gates of heaven in the face of these two VICIOUS "christians". I imagine Jesus will remind them as they began their journey to hell, there is NO SUCH THING AS A VICIOUS CHRISTIAN.
The First Halloween Horror Story
If you ever wondered where the nightmare stories about Halloween started, they started with this man, Houston's Ronald O'Bryan. In early October 1974, Ronald took out life insurance on his two kids. On Halloween night, he took his and neighbor kids trick or treating. Ronald would tell police later that at one house no one seemed to be at home, the kids ran ahead and went to the next house, he heard the door open, and a hand extended with Pixie Sticks. He told the kids they couldn't have any candy on route, they had to wait until they got home. His 8-year-old son Timothy's favorite candy was Pixie Sticks. The next morning Timothy was found dead in his bed by his mom. The Medical Examiner determined the Pixie Sticks contained Cyanide. Police discovered Ronald worked at a Drug Store. The pharmacist was a chemist and also a photographer. In September, Ronald had asked the pharmacist why he had warned him to be careful with photography chemicals the store used to develop photos. Turns out some contained Cyanide, a deadly poison, which seemed to peak Ronald's interest. He asked a lot of questions about it. At the beginning of October, Ronald bought $50,000 in life insurance on his two kids. 5 of the kids, Ronald had taken Trick or Treating had taken the Pixie Sticks. Police seized the other four kids' poisoned candy then arrested Ronald, who was executed in 1984.
In the Middle of Bible Belt Macon Georgia, a woman's 8-year-old daughter suddenly dies.
In the middle of the Bible Belt, Macon, Georgia, widow Mrs. Anjette Lyles suffered a series of tragedies. She owned a courthouse restaurant, which was incredibly popular among judges and attorneys in Macon in the 1950's. She was twice widowed and in 1958 found herself living with her elderly former mother-in-law and two young daughters in the more affluent suburbs. Then suddenly, her apparently healthy mother-in-law got sick and died after several days later in the hospital. The Coroner attributed her death to heart disease at age 52. The elderly woman had heart disease but no symptoms. She left a $100,000 estate to be split between her daughter-in-law and surviving son.
A few months later Mrs. Lyles 9-year-old daughter Marcia suddenly passed away.
A black employee at her restaurant had noticed strange behavior, which made her child's death much more suspicious. Mrs. Lyles would bring food to her former mother-in-law in the hospital from the restaurant. She would take food off the line and place it in a paper bag. The cook noticed she had another paper bag which she brought with her to work that day. Mrs. Lyles took both bags into the lady's room for a few minutes before departing for the hospital. The black employee, then heard that Mrs. Lyles 8-year-old daughter had a $1750 life insurance policy, $1,750 in 1958 is worth $15,926.45 today.
The black employee sent an anonymous letter to police about Ms. Lyles strange behavior while preparing meals for her hospitalized mother-in-law, pointing out, that she had never heard of an 8-year-old having life insurance which aroused her suspicions. The police asked the coroner to do an in depth autopsy of the little girl, which detected the poison arsenic. They then proceeded to autopsy her mother in law and two ex-husbands, finding arsenic in all four deceased relatives. The coroner would later explain, you look for obvious conditions, like heart disease when determining cause of death, which the first three victims possessed to one degree or another.
Poison would only be suspected in people in perfect health, like Mrs. Lyles daughter Marcia, but NO ONE would suspect a mother of murdering her own 8-year-old daughter. Marcia Lyles death would normally have been attributed to causes unknown/undetermined. That is until the anonymous tip was received by police. Ms. Lyles had murdered her first husband when she was 26 for $3,000 life insurance. 2nd husband Ben Lyles carried $20,000 in GI Bill Life Insurance. Her mother-in-law for 1/2 of her $100,000 estate and her 8-year-old daughter for $1750. She was sentenced to death, but the Georgia Governor Marvin Griffin commuted her sentence, since no WHITE woman had ever been sentenced to death in Georgia and he wasn't going to allow it in Mrs. Lyles case.
Murder Most Foul, The Murder of an Innocent 15-year-old Boy for No Reason
A case worthy of Forensic Files, already made into the excellent drama Alpha Dog with Justin Timberlake and Emile Hirsch, the story of the murder of Nicholas Markowitz by teenage drug supplier Jesse James Hollywood over a $1200 debt Ben Markowitz, Nicholas half brother, owed Jesse. Both Jesse and Ben played Little League together in their affluent neighborhood and had gone to school together since first grade. Hollywood's mom and dad were involved in the drug business. Nicholas was a somewhat shy boy who was a bookworm. A good kid and popular with those who knew him. He didn't deserve what was about to happen to him. Teenager Jesse made so much money selling marijuana for them that he was able to buy a home with cash in his affluent suburban neighborhood. A few thousand dollars in debt had grown into feud, Jesse was looking for revenge. He and his buddies went looking for Ben to give him a beating. But they couldn't find Ben, instead they spotted Ben's 15-year-old brother Nicholas. On the spot they made the decision to kidnap Nicholas and hold him for ransom on the debt. Innocent teenager Nicholas would never come home alive. Nikolas was held as a friendly hostage for a couple of days, including partying at the Lemon Tree Inn in Santa Barbara, then someone told Jesse James Hollywood that kidnapping was a Federal Crime warranting decades in prison. At that moment Jesse panicked. He immediately began liquidating bank accounts and decided they had to kill the boy. Jesse's entourage took 15-year-old Nicholas up in the mountains along a hiking path, bound his hands. Nicholas's last few minutes of life were lived in total terror. He knew that he wasn't coming back alive. One of the boys, Ryan Hoyt, slammed a shovel against Nicholas's head, knocking him into the grave, then pulled out his gun and unleashed a barrage of bullets from his Tec-9, nine of which ripped through Nicholas's body. The boys then covered Nicholas's body and his grave with dirt and leaves, but sloppily left one of Nicholas's legs above ground. Hikers a couple of days later were concerned by a noxious odor they smelled along the hiking trail, which led them to discover Nicholas's grave. Eventually the boys were caught, but Jesse was able to escape to Brazil where he remained for 5 years, but even he was eventually arrested and brought back. The boy who shot Nicholas, Ryan Hoyt, got the death penalty and Jesse got life in prison. All the other boys got much shorter sentences. Ryan Hoyt said something incredible when he was arrested, apparently thinking it mitigated his guilt. He told police he shot and killed Nicholas, but had nothing to do with digging his grave.
Mom's Murder Most Foul
Just saw an Unsolved Mysteries with Dennis Farina. Dennis successfully played gangsters in movies, including the great Midnight Run with Robert DeNiro. Later he played a detective on Law and Order for two years. In real life Dennis actually served 20 years as a Chicago Detective before advising Director Michael Mann in his movie "Thief" (1981), which was filmed in Chicago, Dennis made such a strong impression on Mann, that he was offered a part in the movie. The Unsolved Mystery story was about Audrey Marie Hilley of Anniston Alabama, in the heart of the Bible Belt. She and her husband were elders in their Anniston First Baptist Church. Her teenage son got mysteriously and seriously ill immediately before going away to college. Even though he still felt sick, the boy decided to leave for school regardless. While at school, he got a message that his dad had suddenly gotten ill. Within days he was dead. The hospital said that his Dad had hepatitis and cascading organ failure. A few months later, their daughter suddenly got sick. She would eventually be paralyzed from the waist down. While treating her paralysis, doctors noticed white lines across her fingernails, a presumptive sign of arsenic poisoning. Tests proved they were correct. Audrey Hilley fled, an autopsy confirmed her husband died of arsenic. Poisons are only apparent when you have reason to suspect them. A normal autopsy does not test for poison. Turns out Audrey Hilley has taken out $25,000 life insurance policies on her husband, daughter and son. She fled the jurisdiction for Florida after her daughter's poisoning was discovered. I can NOT understand anyone who would do this.


Police make mistakes, but they seldom pay for them. Their victims do.
It is estimated that between 10 and 15% of all men/women in prison are innocent of the crime with which they were charged. About half of those are guilty of an equal or worse crime that they got away with, but that still leaves 5 to 7% totally innocent serving time in prison.
When Russellville, Arkansas teenager Nona Dirksmeyer was raped/murdered in her home, police immediately suspected her boyfriend Kevin Jones. Police arrested Kevin despite the fact that Kevin and Nona had a great relationship, with no history of abuse or fighting.
Kevin's police interrogation provides the best testimony to his innocence. He acted like an innocent boy/man who was at first intimidated by the bullying detectives, then becoming outraged at being falsely accused of murdering the girl he loved, he was ferocious in his own defense.
Kevin ferociously protested his innocence during his interrogation by local police, never giving an inch to the aggressive detectives. He convincingly argued he loved Nona and intended to marry her. He was either telling the truth or was one of the greatest actors who ever lived. In fact, he was innocent.
Kevin was arrested and spent months awaiting trial. At his trial, with Nona's family calling for Kevin's execution, after police had convinced them that Kevin had murdered Nona, it looked very bad for the boy. Police and Prosecutors were 100% convinced the boy was guilty. Their raises and promotions depended on convicting Kevin. They did an excellent job.
Only one problem, they had almost no evidence. Very often you suspect the person who finds a victim's body. Kevin and Nona's mom, after Kevin called her, had come by and found her body after she had stood him up on a date. The police case was 100% circumstantial. Kevin and Nona were having sex, so there was no need to rape her. Kevin's trial resulted in a hung jury for one day, with a majority believing Kevin was innocent, then a vote taken on the second day was unanimous, Kevin was NOT GUILTY.
One factor, which very much indicated police were wrong, an open condom wrapper was found at the crime scene. It had partial finger prints and DNA on it, neither of which matched Kevin. Oddly enough this didn't trouble police and prosecutors in their headlong rush to get Kevin.
A few months later, one of Nona's neighbors was being investigated for burglary. During questioning, a DNA sample was taken which matched the partial fingerprint and was a partial match of Gary Dunn's DNA Test.
Police had done such a great job framing Kevin, that Gary Dunn's attorney's was able to convince some of the jurors in two trials that Kevin did it despite the partial DNA match to Gary Dunn. He was allowed to walk free from the murder charge.
In December 2018, Dunn was arrested for indecent exposure of a young woman at a shopping center and attempted kidnapping of a college student in front of her church a few minutes later. A local Republican judge gave him 15 years, but then commuted the sentence to 5 years in prison. He is pretty lucky or well connected.
Gentle 6'4" Goofy Snowboarding Free Spirit Ben Bradley disappears, A confession does NOT lead to a prosecution
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