Sunday, August 30, 2009

Princess Diana, The War Against Bullying, in Ireland, BULLYING = TORTURE AND BULLIES = TERRORISTS, Irish Slavery and Three Magical, Memorable Moments James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and "Fish"

Princess Diana, a shy, sensitive nine-year-old girl became an immediate target for bullies in boarding school

Diana Spencer's parents had a vicious divorce, which made her very shy and withdrawn, To make a bad situation worse, she was sent to boarding school at the age of nine-years-old. 

Because of her shyness she immediately became the target of school bullies who made the already lonely, unhappy girl more unhappy. Being the kind, gentle soul that she was, she made friends easily among the majority of the kids of the school, but the bullies could never be won over. Because of this, even as an adult, she preferred the company of kids. Diana became a kindergarten teacher out of school, proving herself very successful and well loved. The children loved her because she gave them everything that was missing from her childhood. You caught glimpses of it, even after she started dating, then marrying, Prince Charles, now King Charles III. Diana became a champion of ending bullying in schools, creating the Diana Foundation which recognizes Mentors, especially kids, who defend and encourage bullied kids. 

As Princess Diana on one of her first official duties was to visit a hospital. Palace handlers taught her royal protocol. They told Diana to wear gloves and not touch patients. When she arrived she admitted to these palace functionaries that she must have forgotten her gloves, but she insisted that wasn't important. So Diana began her tour, taking time to speak to each and every patient she met, especially the children. When she got to the AIDS Ward she began an earnest conversation with a young man in his early 20's. At the end of the conversation, she hugged the man, who smiled for the first time since he arrived, according to hospital staff. Afterwards her handlers asked her why she broke protocol. Diana said she hugged him, because he looked like he needed it.  She was a much stronger, better person than she got credit for being. 

Diana and Mother Teresa liked each other immediately, because they cared about people no one else cared about. 

A Georgia Nightmare from November 2022, a boy is humiliated by varsity football players/BULLIES, commits suicide and the school does nothing.

Austin McEntyre was walking down the hall of Georgia's Heard County High school, when a couple of Evangelical 17/18-year-old Varsity Football Players snuck up behind him and grabbed Austin's pants and underpants pulling them down to his ankles, choosing when the hall was full of kids, boys and girls, headed to their next class, fully exposing his penis, balls and butt. The varsity football players began laughing, they thought it was hysterical. After a moment of shock, Austin grabbed his pants and underpants pulling them back up. Then he ran to the boy's bathroom away from the horrific humiliation and embarrassment. Austin did not think it was funny at all. 
When he got home from school that day his mom and dad could tell something was wrong, but he said he was OK. His mom was not satisfied, finally getting the truth from him. She immediately called the school and raised hell, because, she found out, they had done nothing to the perpetrators of this humiliating, embarrassing, horrific bullying attack.  

Austin committed suicide two days later.

In the Evangelical Republican Bible Belt, Principals of schools, Elementary, Jr. High/Middle and High Schools, will attack the victims of bullying as "deserving/asking for it" and do everything they can to protect these bullies, especially if they are members of the Southern Baptist Convention, Assemblies of God, whose preachers control almost all small towns throughout the south.  

The Varsity Football Players are bullies and terrorized a much younger boy leading to his death. That is either 2nd Degree Murder or 1st Degree Manslaughter and sexual assault. But don't hold your breath waiting for the "pro-life" Evangelical Republican Sheriff and District Attorney to file charges. 

I have been stunned by those who defend these two bullies/TERRORISTS. I would ask, what if it was your 14-year-old daughter these two 17/18-year-old bullies snuck up behind and pulled her jeans and panties down to her ankles, exposing her la***, cli*****, vu*** and butt. Would you say that was "boys will be boys" too? Or a sex crime and child molestation? Would you accept the Republican Evangelical "christian" sheriff and DA refusing to prosecute them too? And what if your 14-year-old daughter committed suicide 2 days after this terrorist attack. What then, laugh it off? 

Austin's mom had to create a GoFundMe page to pay for his funeral. As she said, no parent plans or budgets for the funeral of a happy, healthy 15-year-old boy. 

I would have made the football players go to Austin's parent's garage with toothbrushes, scrubbing and washing his brains and blood off the garage floor and walls. I would have then made them pay for Austin's funeral and burial. I would have made them dig his grave. Then I would have given them 10 years in prison and lifetime sexual offender registration.

My own experiences, which prompted me to become a lifelong opponent of bullying. 

In 1970, when I was 13-years-old in the 8th Grade at Sandy Springs High School in Atlanta, I was in Mrs. Like's Sociology Class sitting by the window on the second floor overlooking an alcove/atrium between the PE Wing and Academic Wing of the school. Suddenly, I heard a boy's screams. Looking out I saw a naked 8th grade 13-year-old boy pulling on the door to the boys' locker room and showers. I could also see four varsity football players, 17 and 18-year-old juniors and seniors, who had kidnapped him out of the boys' showers, picked him up, threw him, naked, outside the outside entrance to the boys' locker room, laughing as they tried to shut the door on the terrified kid. Then I heard the fire drill alarm. One of these football players pulled it to add to his torment and humiliation. As kids filled the alcove, they finally let him in. I had recognized him and that day at our long lunch table, you could tell he did NOT want to talk about it. It changed him, he had been one of the most open, likeable boys in our class, after that he became reticent, like he didn't trust anyone. Me and our friends tried to bolster him by pretending it didn't happen, after a while he got back to 90% normal, but he would never be like he was before. And I knew who to blame, I never blamed him. 

I later found out the only punishment they got was a 100 word apology letter from the four juniors/seniors. That was NOT punishment, that was a joke! They were NOT kicked off the football team, they were NOT suspended from school, both of which I would have done if I had had any say in the matter. But it is the Evangelical Bible Belt, so that is what you know to expect.

I was only bullied once in my life, that is all it took for me to become a lifelong opponent of bullies wherever they are.

That same year, in the first week of 8th grade, I had been in the boys' locker room with my classmates. Suddenly varsity football players entered, who immediately began hitting us and telling us to shut up, because we didn't have their permission to talk. I was 13-years-old,  6' tall and 112 pound intellectual geek. 17-year-old Varsity Football Player, ***** Williams, probably 6'2" and 200 lbs., came up to me, hit me in the head and told me to shut up. I told him he better not hit me again or we were going to have a problem. He did and I said, Let's go!  We went out to the gravel student parking lot, where he proceeded to beat the crap out of me. It wasn't a fair fight. About the only thing my older brothers ever taught me, don't give into a bully, if you do, they'll all come after you. The fight lasted a lot longer than it should have because I wouldn't give. I told him he would have to kill me to win. He told me I was crazy and he was finally pulled off me by a senior "good guy," Drenched in blood I went back to class. I told my teachers, who questioned me, that I had a nose bleed. By the next day, two black eyes, revealed the truth of the matter. I wore them as a "red badge of courage".  I still have a dead tooth from the beating. 

From that point forward I became a lifelong opponent of bullying.

When I was 11-years-old, I attended 6th grade at Sedalia Park Elementary School in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta Georgia. Almost all of the residents of Marietta worked at the huge aircraft plant owned by Lockheed Georgia. 
The assassination of Martin Luther King occurred on Thursday, April 4th 1968 when I was 11-years-old. We were in Ms. Green's 6th grade class on Friday and our principal came over the PA and made a respectful statement of regret and shock about MLK's Assassination. Out of 600 kids, we had around 5 black children in attendance, so it was totally appropriate that he should. I thought that then and I still do. I will NEVER forget, to my horror, about 5 of my white classmates APPLAUDED the news. These were Evangelical church going kids, all of whom attended the largest church in Marietta on Roswell Street. Some of them had invited me to go to their church "to bring me to the Lord," to save my soul. After this incident, I had no respect for their religious beliefs.

I have no idea why they took Elementary off our school's name, Sedalia Park Elementary School. It is a mystery to me.

About 10 years ago, I read a story in a forum from a Jewish boy who played football in Alabama. He and his teammates were called to a mandatory meeting by their coach after practice, who had his Southern Baptist Preacher give an Evangelical prayer. He told/commanded all the boys to join in. The prayer concluded with preacher saying if the boys wanted to be saved from going to hell, he expected to see them at his church services that Sunday. Being Jewish, this boy chose not to join in.  His Evangelical teammates noticed his silence. Afterwards, they followed him out of the meeting,  grabbing him and beating the **** out of him for disrespecting their preacher.  When the boy got home, his mom and dad, noticed his bruises and dirt from the beating. He told them what happened. The next day they went to the school and had a meeting with the coach, who called their son a troubledmaker. Angry at the coach's attitude, they requested a meeting with the principal, who suggested the boy should quit our "christian" team, because we believe in Jesus here. Almost immediately, the boy started to be waylaid and beaten up repeatedly by his "friends" and teammates. The family was considering filing suit, when suddenly the dad's business began receiving threatening phone calls. The family decided to drop the matter and their son quit the team, so SATAN won. 

Take note, Bullies are hardly ever punished by schools in the "pro-life" Evangelical REPUBLICAN Bible Belt. 

August Landmesser a German Hero from World War II

This is a photo of August Landmesser who worked at the Hamburg Shipyard. He was a German married to a Jewish woman, Irma Eckler, whom he loved. He refused to divorce her. Adolf Hitler came to the shipyard to launch the "Horst Wessel" on June 13, 1936. Supposedly, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels noticed August when the photo appeared in a magazine, having him arrested. After serving a prison sentence for this photo, August was drafted into the German Army in a penal brigade, being killed in action October 17, 1944 in Croatia. His wife was murdered in Ravensbruck Nazi death camp, but their children survived having gone to live with his grandmother. Ingrid and Irene Landmesser should be very proud of their parents. 

August with his daughter.

Dr. Goebbels immediately after being told that US Press Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt was Jewish. If looks could kill...

Alfred Eisenstaedt's most famous photo, taken on VE Day May 8, 1945 in Times Square.

Alfred Eisenstaedt became America's #1 photographer after WWII. Here he is shown with some of his personal friends. By then, he worked for Life Magazine, America's premiere photography magazine.

Jordan Blue had the courage to refuse joining his classmates when they gave Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party Salute, as a joke, hopefully, at a 2018 Baraboo High School Prom Event. Jordan was repeatedly ambushed, beaten-up and tortured for embarrassing his classmates when the photo of the event made the local papers. 

"My name is Jordan Blue, I am the boy captured in the photo to the top, far right. The photo was taken during our Junior Prom photos. I am clearly uncomfortable, with what was happening. I couldn't leave the photo as it was taken within 5 seconds," he stated on Twitter. "The photographer took the photos telling us to make the sign, (Nazi Salute). I knew what my morals were and it was not to salute something I firmly didn't believe in. I attend Baraboo High School and these classmates have bullied me since entering middle school, (since I was gay). I have struggled with it my entire life and nothing has changed."

Some of the boys went further, they gave the KKK White Power Salute.

No one ever stands as tall, as when they stand alone.

We need more people like Jordan Blue and fewer like Wisconsin Evangelical Republican Governor Scott Walker and Florida Evangelical Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who are bullies who champion the persecution of gays. 

Here is gay Baraboo High School student Jordan Blue, Class of 2018. As a joke, the photographer at a prom event suggested the kids give Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party Salute. A few boys went further and took the initiative and also gave the KKK White Power Salute. Note the one boy who refused to take part, Jordan Blue, extreme right on the back row. A reporter got access to the photo and noticed the courage and character of Jordan Blue and published the photo in the Milwaukee Journal, praising him for taking a stand. As soon as the photo hit the papers, some of the boys, bullies, who took part in this photo started ambushing, attacking and beating-up Jordan every chance they got for embarrassing them. At least they are consistent in their lack of good character.  

Here are school kids at a private school, Somerset West School, in Cape Town South Africa, like the one, Elon Musk attended. They think Hitler and the Nazis are funny too. 

There was and is NOTHING FUNNY about Adolf Hitler and his Nazis

Here is Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse at a VICIOUS RACIST WHITE POWER OATH KEEPERS fund raiser, giving the racist KKK White Power Salute. 

If you didn't understand Evangelical Gov. Scott Walker, Kyle Rittenhouse and Kyle's shooting protesters, look at this post by a TV Station in La Crosse Wisconsin. This TV Station called the Nazi Party Salute and KKK White Power sign given by these Baraboo Wisconsin boys as "waving". Whether it was as a joke or out of venomous racial/religious hatred, it was never waving. 

A billionaire's son terrorizes and bullies kids at the Elite Kew-Forest Prep School

12-year-old BULLY Donald Trump tied a much smaller/smarter boy to a tree. Trump then beat the **** out of the boy, leaving him tied up as Donnie went back to campus. Cops found the boy hours later and took him to the hospital for severe head trauma and exposure.  That is why Donald Trump was EXPELLED from the Kew-Forest Prep School and was sent to military School by his parents. At the New York Military Academy, Trump's family wealth bought him promotions and privileges, eventually leading to him becoming a cadet captain, a very great honor. It didn't change his character, eventually the bully in him became evident. 

No one should have been surprised, in his "ghostwritten" "autobiography," Donald Trump bragged about slugging a Kew-Forest teacher in the face after he had gotten mad at the teacher for a bad grade when he was 10-years-old. Funny what people brag about.  
Luckily, his billionaire father, Fred Trump, was on the Board of Governors of the Kew-Forest School. That and a large financial "gift' to the teacher involved kept the matter out of courts. 
In Georgia, any kid, regardless of age, would have been arrested for doing that, unless the boy was the son of a Southern Baptist or Assemblies of God Preacher.  I am sure Donald laughed at his dad buying his way out of trouble, that is, until he did this act of cruelty, which not even dad could "fix".

In addition to the hazing rituals, New York Military Academy’s older boys also punished younger ones, as young as 12-years-old, for various violations of the rules. Boys being boys, things sometimes got out of hand. Donald was famous for using organized, most often very unfair fights and boxing matches as discipline. A small, smart kid who hadn't mastered some physical education test would have to fight a much bigger, older bully/boy who vastly outweighed him for punishment. Trump was often reported to have laughed at the bully beating the **** out of the smaller, younger boy. Any bully would.
During Donald’s senior year, a cadet captain viciously beat a much younger boy under his command with a heavy metal chain. The boy ran away and eventually wound up in a local hospital. The school’s commandant, head master, and superintendent were forced to resign. Donald knew of the torture and covered it up. He was not reprimanded or demoted for violating the school's strict honor code, instead, he was promoted to a student assistant desk job at the school administration building, away from kids, many as young as 12-years-old. Someone finally realized having bullies like Donald Trump holding power/authority over younger kids is a bad idea.

Matthew Burdette was an orphan from the former Soviet Union, adopted by a couple in San Diego. 14-year-old Matthew committed suicide after a varsity football player entered the boys' bathroom and pulled out his camera phone, stuck it over the partition of the stall Matthew was in and shot a "kiddie porn" video of Matthew. He immediately posted it online. Within a few minutes every kid in school knew about Matthew's video and 100's of boys/girls saw it, most of the staff and faculty learned about it too. Boys and Girls would laugh at the sensitive 14-year-old boy, humiliating him even further. No boy has been more alone. On top of that no one did a damn thing to help him. A parent heard about what happened and reported the incident to the, school, realizing nothing was done, she then called police and San Diego DA's Office. They did nothing too. The staff didn't even call Matthew's parents to tell them. Matthew didn't tell them either. They wouldn't learn anything was wrong until they found Matthew's dead body.

There is nothing any boy does in a stall in the boys' bathroom which warrants an invasion of their privacy with a camera phone. If you detect the aroma of marijuana, cigarettes, booze or suspect anything else improper is going on in a stall, get a teacher or bang on the wall of the stall and say cut it out. Other than that there is NO justification for invading the privacy of anyone, much less a 14-year-old boy, especially with a camera/phone, in a stall of a boys' bathroom, Ever, PERIOD! 
The School and San Diego District Attorney learned what happened almost immediately after it happened, but did nothing until after Matthew killed himself, then charging the perpetrator with a misdemeanor. 

This bully should have been suspended/expelled IMMEDIATELY. He should have been kicked off the football team. He should have been arrested for invasion of privacy, at a minimum in a boys bathroom BEFORE Matthew committed suicide, to prove police were there to protect and serve. Silentium Qui Tacet Consentire Videtur. 

Clarence Darrow, America's 2nd greatest lawyer, after Abraham Lincoln, called the Evangelical Bible Belt the least Christian place on earth. If you need proof, go to McGee Cemetery Christian County, Kentucky, USA and find 15-year-old Chris Adamek's grave. 

We were either wrong for 100 years or Evangelical "pro-life" "christians" are wrong now. Chris Adamek's fate shows how vicious and evil people who go to church in the Bible Belt can be.

In the Evangelical Republican Bible Belt, bullies are protected and other/ordinary kids are ignored and persecuted. Here is a story of a goofy kid, who streaked a High School Football in Alabama and received the Death Penalty from local Evangelical Republicans, his school principal, the sheriff, DA and several Evangelical Preachers, who promised to make an example of him. They did, his 15-year-old body buried in their "pro-life" Evangelical "christian" cemetery is proof of their disbelief in and betrayal of the love for us from Jesus.

15-year-old Chris Adamek streaked an Alabama High School Football game at the encouragement of his buddies in 2013. 10,000's, maybe 100,000's, of boys mooned friends and classmates in the 1920's/1930's/1940's/1950's/1960's/1970's. 1000's of boys streaked their friends and classmates in the 1970's/1980's/1990's. These shenanigans would get the kid 100 hours of community service picking up trash along state highways and county roads after being tried in a juvenile court with a sealed juvenile record and the matter would soon be forgotten, except for a few chuckles when recalled by kids, parents and the community. 

Evangelical Harvest Alabama Sparkman High School Principal, Michael Campbell, the Evangelical Republican Sheriff and District Attorney, Southern Baptist/Assemblies of God/Evangelical Preachers held a press conference and said they were going to make an example of Chris for streaking a high school football game, by trying him as an adult, for a sex crime, sentencing him to 10 years in prison, and ordering lifetime sex offender registration. These "pro-life" Evangelical Republican "christians" did even better than that, the second Chris was bailed out by his mom and dad, he went home and committed suicide on October 2,2013. He got a death sentence from these "pro-life" Bible Belt Evangelical "christians." 

I would ask these "christians" how they define Pro-Life. Until 2000 and Evangelical Republican control of the Bible Belt, getting kids back on the right track came first. Now, discriminating, persecuting and killing kids, for these arrogant self-righteous Evangelical Republicans, comes first. 
We have certainly changed since the 40's/50's/60's/70's/80's/90's, you can see proof in the number of kids graves in you local Bible Belt "christian" cemetery. 

It was OUTRAGEOUS AND MORALLY WRONG for the Evangelical Republican High School Principal, Sheriff and District Attorney to hold a press conference with Southern Baptist and Assemblies of God Preachers attacking a child, especially a 16-year-old boy, charged with a non-violent crime. Shame on them. I hope Chris is there when they pass away so he can watch Jesus slam the gates of Heaven shut in their faces. 

George Carlin described the Evangelical Bible Belt better than I could, God may torture you, throw you in prison, even when you are INNOCENT, cause you to suffer at the hands of the vicious and the greedy, suffer at the hands of "pro-life" "christian" BULLIES, but that is only because he loves you. 

Justice in the Bible Belt is not what anyone would expect

How many people remember teenager Paul Murdaugh's boat accident which killed Mallory Beach on February 24, 2019. After Beaufort County Police arrived, Paul ran around to each police officer and made sure they knew that he was a member of the powerful South Carolina Evangelical Republican Murdaugh family. Every Beaufort County Police Officer on scene, except one, treated Paul with respect and deference. No other officer made mention of or asked any questions about Paul reeking of alcohol and being stumbling drunk, Officer Steve Domino kept asking why aren't we giving him an alcohol BUI test, Boating Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs, test? He also asked who was driving the boat when it crashed. Everyone agreed it was Paul, except Paul. It is all on video, no other officer seemed to care to find out the facts. When Paul was taken to the hospital, several hours later, he rated .24 alcohol in his blood, 3x the drunk driving/boating threshold, so he must have been far drunker when he crashed the boat. 
Hospital staff/nurses report that Paul was drunk, rude and obnoxious the whole time until he was sedated. he was flashing nurses and making sexually suggestive comments, including propositioning and trying to seduce nurses with impunity. Paul may not have been the worst young man, but he was definitely a spoiled brat who felt entitled.  

Then the most amazing thing happened, Officer Domino, the only officer who did his job at the accident scene, was fired for possession of drugs. The local press said that submarined his testimony against Paul. Officer Domino said his Evangelical Republican Sheriff FRAMED HIM BY PLANTING DRUGS IN HIS PATROL CAR TO HELP THE MURDAUGH FAMILY out of Paul's mess.

Remember that the other kids who were in truck on the way to the boating evening out saw Paul bring the beer to the truck/boat, raising the case in triumph.

Now, I would like to take each person aboard the boat to task. They had all been drinking and they knew he was drunk. They should have made Paul pull the boat over and call their parents to come get them. 
Paul is shown buying beer illegally, he was 19, using his older brother Buster's driver's license. He held it up in front of them as if it was a trophy. They then took the boat to the nightclub so they wouldn't be stopped by a DUI checkpoint.  
That said, Paul was a belligerent drunk. The kids gave him a nickname, crazy "Tim," when he was drunk and no one wanted to mess with him out of fear of his wrath. He wanted to drive the boat and no one was going to stop him. But the criminal part of the endeavor was Paul wanted to SPEED in the almost total darkness of the river, totally inappropriate for conditions. He even hotdogged and did maneuvers even a sober man would not attempt in daylight, much less in almost total darkness. Paul in court facing criminal charges, shortly before his dad murdered him. I will always believe that Paul's attorneys were engaged in plea bargain talks with prosecutors. Alex Murdaugh could not allow that to happen. If Paul pled guilty, then the Murdaugh's would automatically lose the civil suits over Mallory's death. Killing Paul took care of that. Alex had to kill his wife, Maggie, because she would figure out it was Alex who killed him. 

From Police Body Cam, Anthony Cook who was on the boat with Paul Murdaugh and his girlfriend Mallory Beach, who was killed, and had just told Officer Domino that Paul Murdaugh was driving the boat. Anthony Cook then asks, "Do you know Alex Murdaugh?" Officer Domino says, "I know that name." Anthony Cook, "Paul Murdaugh is his son," "Good Luck!"
A few moments later, after it is determined that Mallory is missing, Paul, SMILING, approaches Officer Domino and Anthony, Anthony Cook says, "Get that Mother****** right there away from me". "Why are you F****** smiling, like it is F****** funny." "My F****** girlfriend's gone, bro."

A couple of European Tourists ran into Paul in the Bahamas. If you need proof that he was an alcoholic, then watch this video from TikTok. His family should have been shepherding him back to the straight and narrow, instead dad was getting drunk with him, two spoiled brats enjoying life with no fear of the consequences. 

Under the legal age to drink, 19-year-old Paul and his dad, Alex, getting drunk on the river. As a parent, I would use this as a learning experience for kids, NEVER get in a car or boat with someone who is drunk. The price might be more than you expect.

In 2008, Evangelical Republican Matt Gaetz was arrested outside The "SWAMP" nightclub in Okaloosa  for drunk driving. Near midnight, Okaloosa County Deputy Chris Anglin clocked Gaetz going 48 in a 35 mph zone. Anglin later reported that Gaetz fumbled for his license and registration, his eyes were watery and bloodshot, and he swayed and staggered when he got out of the car. Gaetz REFUSED to take a field sobriety test, then, later, after his arrest, he REFUSED to take a blood or breath test. The law in Florida is absolutely 100% clear, refuse to take a DUI field sobriety, breath and/or blood test, after being arrested for Drunk Driving and you lose your license for a year, period, end of discussion.  The Okaloosa Sheriff forced Officer Anglin to resign. Anglin said the Evangelical Republican Sheriff was trying to fire him with fake charges ever since Matt's Gaetz's arrest. Then the most amazing thing happened, the Evangelical Republican Sheriff and District Attorney refused to prosecute Matt Gaetz for his DUI. Coincidentally, Matt's dad is an Evangelical Republican Millionaire who happens to be the Republican State Senate Majority Leader. 

If your 10-year-old daughter is ever run over and killed while riding her bike by a drunk driver, if you voted Republican, you are as responsible as the drunk driver. 10,850 Americans die every year because of drunk drivers.

A 13-year-old Albuquerque NM boy was arrested and taken to juvenile prison by a campus cop for BURPING IN PE CLASS. He was stripped naked and cavity searched, then put in a pod, prison building, with rapists, murderers and violent career criminals. The juvenile court judge who heard the case a few days later, let the boy out, calling the case ridiculous, saying we don't have enough room for murderers, rapists, muggers, armed robbers and burglars to serve the sentences they deserve, but we can find room for a 13-year-old for committing Tom Sawyer shenanigans? Evangelical REPUBLICAN Gov. Susana Martinez ordered the REPUBLICAN NM Attorney General to appeal the case, which would eventually cost the taxpayers of New Mexico over $100,000. She lost every step, until, it got to the Republican Packed 10th Circuit Appeals Court, which ruled prison for burping and jay walking children in trailer parks is legal. BOYS ARE RAPED AND TORTURED in Juvenile Prisons, but for burping, hitchhiking and jay walking? The REPUBLICAN SUPREME COURT REFUSED to hear the boy's appeal. If you listen you can hear his screams as he is tortured/gang raped. The boy was given a year in prison. Boys will never talk about the torture and rape they experience in juvenile, but you will see their escalating criminal and psychotic behavior which follows. Trump Republican Law Professor Jonathan Turley justified letting rapists/muggers/murderers/home invaders out early, to make room for 13-year-old burpers. Shame on him. 

My very gentle, christian Nana told me people go into religion for either very good or very BAD reasons. Time has proven her right. 

When I was in Little League, we used a practice field owned by a huge Baptist Church in Eastern Cobb County. A few years later I read in the local paper a story about this church, a woman came forward saying that the Church's Youth Minister had molested her 8-year-old son.  She immediately yanked her son from the Karate Class. This preacher taught kids 12-years-old and under Karate. His course was incredibly popular. She went to the Senior Preacher at the church and told him that her son  had been acting odd and she couldn't figure out why, finally she got the truth out of him. The senior preacher said he would take care of it. A  few weeks later, she saw this youth minister, with kids, at a church function and was appalled, she confronted the senior preacher, who said the man denied it and he believed him. The youth minister was married and had a family and her "lies" could ruin his life. 
By now this boy's mom was so angry, she was not going to let the matter go. She quit the church. She then went to the county police chief and demanded an investigation. By now, she was determined to see that something was done. She waited and waited, nothing happened. She learned later a couple of mothers had similar accusations, which again were discounted and dropped. She found out the man transferred to another Georgia church outside the county. Any inquiry to the police, always ended, the matters is under investigation. After a few months, she realized nothing was being done. 
She then decided to go outside channels and went to the local papers, which, thank goodness picked up the story. The man was later pled guilty to a lesser charge and received an incredibly light sentence. The fight cost this mom a lot of friends and ostracism from members of her former church, but she never regretted it. Because she was right.
Growing up in the Bible Belt, I found that Evangelicals were always the first to point fingers at Catholic Priests, Jewish Rabbis and Mormon Deacons who had accusations against them. We all know of accusations against Catholic Priests, but it turns out, apparently, every church has this same problem in almost the same percentage of bad church leaders. 
The Houston Chronicle did a series on child rape/molestation by Southern Baptist Preachers. They indicated the almost 1000 members of the Southern Baptist clergy were investigated and convicted of crimes like this and this was the tip of the iceberg, because Evangelical Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, too often quietly disposed of these accusations and almost never investigated members of their faith who were accused of rape, child molestation and other serious felonies.
I read a website which reported 400 Rabbis had similar accusations. One ran a summer camp for boys for 40 years and had accusations going back almost that long. Conservative Religious leaders threatened to excommunicate parents which made these accusations. There was a huge scandal in the Mormon church too and a lot of law suits.

We let murderers, rapists, muggers, burglars and armed robbers out of prison early, so we have room for 12/13/14/15-year-old PE CLASS BURPERS, STREAKERS, JAY WALKERS, HITCHHIKERS AND CANDY BAR SHOPLIFTERS. 
Our police and prosecutors apparently don't investigate or prosecute religious leaders of their own faith accused of serious felonies. 
Justice must be the same for all and punishments should fit the crime. Anything else is wrong, stupid and a crime, one for which, we will pay the price later.

Arthur Bomar murdered Nevada Police Officer Larry Carrier in 1978. Officer Carrier told Bomar he had to move his car because the person whose assigned spot it was wanted to park there. Bomar argued, then Bomar pulled out a gun and murdered Officer Carrier. Bomar was convicted and sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON. I am a liberal Democrat and agree with that sentence and would demand he serve every day of that sentence. Horrifically, BOMAR WAS PAROLED after 11 years, then went to live with his mom in Pennsylvania. 
Bomar was arrested several times in Pennsylvania for violent assault, burglary and theft. He was being investigated for rape. Amazingly Bomar's parole was NEVER REVOKED. He should have never had parole in the first place. 
In 1996, Sexual Predator Arthur Bomar followed college student Aimee Willard out of her neighborhood pub, far from his home. He had obviously come to this neighborhood pub looking for a woman to rape. He continued following her on the highway to Philadelphia. Then he deliberately bumped into her car, when she stopped to get his insurance info, he grabbed her, raped her, ran over her, then murdered her. He carried her body to an empty park near his home. There was only one clue, a strange burn pattern on her body. Police later figured the burn pattern came from Bomar's car's oil pan from running Aimee over with his car. 
This case led to one of the best episodes on the classic Forensic Files TV Show.
DNA from a different rape victim, possession of a stolen car taken from another rape/murder victim led to his arrest. His DNA matched semen found in Aimee's body. If Bomar had served his original sentence, two women would have not been raped/murdered and another woman would not have been raped. 

Why don't we give PE CLASS BURPERS, STREAKERS, JAY WALKERS, HITCHHIKERS AND CANDY BAR SHOPLIFTERS detention, grounding, strict probation or a spanking, as appropriate, so we have room for the Bomars of the world to serve the sentences they deserve. 

Ireland has a campaign in schools which calls bullies TERRORISTS WHO ENGAGE IN TORTURE. I agree with them. 

13-year-old Tyrone Unsworth was a gentle boy who happened to be gay. Most kids didn't care, he had a lot of friends, but "pro-life" conservative and Evangelical kids began picking on him more and more as he grew older. They told him he should commit suicide because God hates queers. They would ambush him and beat him up for no reason. School officials were aware of it, but did nothing to stop it. Finally, after he could take it no longer, Tyrone committed suicide. I will never believe conservatives and Evangelicals are pro-life, unless they prove it to me. 

If you ever see someone, adult or child, bully a child, put a stop to it IMMEDIATELY. And if I saw anyone, including a kid, telling another kid to commit suicide because he is gay, a freak, a loser, etc. I would put a stop to it and then drag them to the nearest teacher, principal or police officer for punishment.  



Friend Gypsie-Lee Edwards Kennard told our newsroom that she was on a fishing trip with Tyrone Unsworth, when the 13-year-old revealed the extent of the homophobic taunts he was facing from other students.

"He was an absolute mess, crying his eyes out and telling me everyone wants him dead and I said, 'Tyrone, what do you mean everyone wants you dead?'," Ms Edwards Kennard told 7.30 News.

"He said, 'The kids at school keep telling me to go kill myself', and I was obviously gobsmacked.

Some Brisbane's Aspley State High School  students called him nasty names, like faggot and fairy.

"I said, 'You need to speak to someone at the school' and he said, 'They don't care'," she said.

"He just felt like no-one wanted him around and he didn't belong. It's really hard to hear that from a child that's only 13 years old."

Tyrone told his friends that the "pro-life" conservative and Evangelical boys who were constantly beating him up and terrorizing him kept telling him to commit suicide. They made his life unbearable  and eventually he followed their advice. Their Evangelical "pro-life" parents must be very proud of teaching their kids the meaning of being a "pro-life" "christian," though I suspect that Jesus will be discussing the matter with them at a later date.

These are the people whose freedom of hate the Republican Supreme Court defends. 

Tyrone, we miss you, pal, even those among us who never got the chance to meet you in real life, for which we are the losers. 

A few days ago, Evangelical Middle School Boys engaged in simulated sex, bullying and terrorism, with other boys in their school locker room. That is NOT a shenanigan, that is a sex crime. School and local police tried to cover up the abuse as "boys will be boys". It wasn't. 

Players on a middle school football team in a bucolic Ulster County town along the Hudson River cornered 7th grade teammates and conducted a bizarre hazing ritual that included pulling off their clothes, holding them upside down and engaging in simulated sexual activity, court papers obtained by the New York Daily News claim. The hazing during the football season took place in a part of the Highland Middle School locker room allegedly dubbed the “rape corner” and the “boing-boing corner,” the papers claim. On Wednesday, the parents of a 12-year-old boy and those of a 13-year-old boy sued the school...

A few months ago in Kennedy vs. Tacoma, The US Supreme Court ruled that Evangelical Football Coaches could run their teams any way they wanted, cramming their religion down their Public High/Jr High School boys' throats and the boys have no Freedom of Religion or Conscience. The case was about an Evangelical Coach in Bremerton Washington who crammed his religion down their throats, discriminated/persecuted boys who were not of his Evangelical faith. The Republican Supreme Court said it violated this Evangelical Republican Coach's Freedom of Religious Persecution to try to prevent his persecution and discrimination of the boys on his team. Yes our kids are in good hands, Republican Evangelical men like Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was accused of seducing and having sex with  a 14-year-old girl, Leigh Corfman, which started with a meeting in an Alabama courthouse  Jim Jordan, who knew about boys on his wrestling team being sexually abused by his team doctor and Denny Hastert, who had sex with boys on his wrestling team, all Evangelical Republicans. 

The Evangelical Republican Chief Justice was 32-years-old when he met 14-year-old Leigh Corfman in an Alabama Courthouse, followed by multiple incidents of statutory rape of the girl. 

There are now 2,500,000 homeless in the US,  a number that is rising at more than 10 - 20% a year and is expected to hit 5,000,000 in less than 5 years. This boy was beaten by police for being homeless, injuring his arm. Kids, alone, by themselves, as young as 12, are living in cardboard boxes on our streets. No one pays attention to them, unless it is the police to harass, beat them up or arrest them. 

A teenage boy appeared on ABC 20/20 with Chris Cuomo. He had been adopted in Bible Belt Missouri. He was told by his "mom" that "they" had relatives in California with whom he could live and get a free college education. This happened immediately after he graduated from High School and she found out that she would no longer receive state aid or state/federal tax deductions for him. She gave him $50 and a Greyhound bus ticket. She told him "their" relatives would be waiting on him when he got there. As he rode the bus calls home went unanswered. No one was there when he got to California. The address she gave him for "their relatives" turned out to be a McDonald's Restaurant.                                                                 

This boy, George, was terrified and alone. He was able to get to a public park with a restroom, sleeping in trees. Police would beat and harass him constantly, even threatening to send him to prison. He contemplated suicide. He ate out of dumpsters. Fox News, Newsmax, Evangelical "christians," Ron "DeSATANIST" DeSantis and Republicans call for beatings, torture and arrest of the homeless. Look in his face and then justify your hate. There is NO such thing as a "vicious christian," though there are millions of Evangelical Republicans who would qualify for that definition. Yes, these are wonderful times our kids live in today!

If you have ever seen the Clint Eastwood movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997), here are two interesting footnotes on the story behind the story. 

Designed in the Italianate style by John S. Norris for General Hugh Mercer (great-grandfather of the songwriter Johnny Mercer), construction of the house began in 1860. The project was interrupted by the American Civil War, and finally completed around 1868 by the new owner, cotton merchant John Randolph Wilder. Nobody of the Mercer name ever lived in the house. Wikipedia

Johnny Mercer with Henry Mancini after winning Academy Awards/Oscars for "Moon River" in Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1960)

In 1969, 11-year-old Tommy Downs went on the roof of Mercer House to catch pigeons. At some point he slipped and fell from the roof on one of the pickett fence pikes and impaled himself.  He died immediately. It was this tragedy which caused Mercer House's owner to sell the house at a fire sale, which allowed antiques dealer Jim Williams to purchase the house for well below market value. 

Jim Williams in front of his prize possession, pre-Civil War Mansion Mercer House one of the biggest houses in Savannah taking up a whole block in the colonial city.  Jim met young bisexual Danny Hansford after he served a sentence in juvenile detention and forced enrollment at the Georgia Military Academy. The two became tumultuous lovers.  Danny's photo from the Georgia Military Academy Annual.

Subsequent arrest photos of Danny.

Jim must have realized that Danny was using him for his money and Danny must have realized that Jim was using him for sex. For a couple of years that was mutually beneficial and enough for both men, but the relationship degenerated as Danny started to take more and more drugs. As things progressed, Danny would bully Jim for more and more money. Any pretense of discretion about their relationship went by the wayside. Danny would come to parties and offer to give Jim oral or anal sex for $200 in front of Jim's friends, to humiliate Jim and force him to give the boy money. Occasionally, Danny would become violent. Finally, on May 2, 1981, Danny began to act violently and threatened to kill Jim. Though the exact sequence of events is unknown, the result was Jim pulled a gun and shot and killed Danny. 

Jim Willams grave in Ramah Baptist Church Cemetery in Gordon, Wilkinson County, Georgia,

John Berendt's book "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" was the result of the author moving to Savannah and hearing tales of Jim Williams and his four trials/appeals and finally his acquittal. Jim's, in the center, acquittal is attributal to his stellar defense team led by Sonny Seiler on right. Sonny and UGA another star of the movie.

When Clint Eastwood announced that he was going to make a movie about the murder and city of Savannah, Lady Chablis, a transvestite and friend of Danny Hansford volunteered her complete story on one condition, she played herself, An audition proved it would work. Lady Chablis died on September 8, 2016.  

Savannah comes out to celebrate the movies premier, Emma Kelly, the lady of 6000 songs, Jim Williams lawyer Sonny Sieler, author John Berendt and Lady Chablis in the front row.

Premiere Party for "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". The book was published and became a massive best seller, Clint's movie was released in 1997. In weaving his story Berendt admitted he merged details and characters to more accurately portray the flavor of Savannah and its unique population, much like Truman Capote did in "In Cold Blood" about the murder of the Clutter Family in Holcomb Kansas. 

Evangelical Republican Mothers of Liberty have raided Public, Jr. High School and High School Libraries pulling books off the shelves they do not like, such as, Anne Frank's Diary, Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," their goal, preventing us and our children from reading books of which they do not approve. Harper Lee was best friends with "In Cold Blood" author Truman Capote. 

Truman Capote and Perry Smith

Truman Capote's book and the two murderers, Perry Smith and Richard Hickock, who massacred the Clutter Family on November 15, 1959. While in prison, these two had believed lies about how rich the Clutter family was and how much money they kept on the farm from an ex-employee of the family. They planned the robbery and to murder all witnesses. After tying up Ken Clutter they shot him in the face, killing him. They walked away with less than $200 and an AM radio. As Truman Capote said, you can't romanticize murder.

Nancy Clutter's body was covered up by the spread and sheets, you can still see her hand,  by Perry Smith after he stopped Richard Hickock from raping her, they then proceeded to execute her.

Herb Clutter's body downstairs, note Richard Hickock's boot print and distinctive catspaw heel which would lead to the duo's conviction

After murdering mom and dad, they proceeded to murder Kenyon, by shooting him in the head. Apparently Richard Hickock wanted to and had begun to rape Nancy Clutter, but Perry convinced him to stop they needed to get out of there as soon as possible. Both murderers were sentenced to hang and were executed in 1965.

Truman and his best friend, from childhood, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird" Lee, who served as his researcher. 

Heath Ledger was a very, very good actor condemned by Bible Belt Evangelical ISIS "christians" for one acting performance! 

When Heath Ledger died I took minimal notice. I did feel sad that a young man with so much promise had passed. That is until I heard Evangelical ISIS Bible Belt "christians" at work and in general conversation said he was a faggot who deserved to die and was going to hell because he appeared in the movie "Brokeback Mountain" (2005). I had never seen "Brokeback Mountain" because a cowboy love story between two guys was not anything I was interested in. I had seen him in Batman, THE DARK KNIGHT (2008), "10 Things I Hate about You" (1999), "Ned Kelly" (2003) about Australia's most famous Irish Desperado. He was pretty good in those films and Terrific in "Batman: The Dark Knight"!  Not knowing much about him, I decided to read up on him  learning who he was. They lied, he was just an ordinary Australian kid trying to make a living. They didn't care that Heath was an actor and Brokeback Mountain was simply a job to him. He had to pay his rent and buy food, like we all do. He didn't deserve the hate that I saw them spew at him. Shame on them.

Heath died of an accidental overdose or prescription meds.
On 6 February 2008, the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York released its conclusions. Those conclusions were based on an initial autopsy that occurred 23 January 2008, and a subsequent complete toxicological analysis.[7][88][89] The report concluded that Ledger died "as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine". It added: "We have concluded that the manner of death is accident[al], resulting from the abuse of prescribed medications."[7][9]

While the medications found in the toxicological analysis may be prescribed in the United States for insomnia, anxiety, pain or common cold symptoms (doxylamine), the vast majority of physicians in America are extremely reluctant to prescribe multiple benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam, alprazolam and temazepam) to a single patient, let alone to prescribe such medications to a patient already taking a mix of oxycodone and hydrocodone. Although the Associated Press and other outlets reported that police estimated Ledger's death occurred between 1 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. on 22 January 2008,[90] the Medical Examiner's Office announced that it would not publicly disclose the official estimated time of death.[91][92] The official announcement of the cause and manner of Ledger's death heightened concerns about the growing problems of prescription drug abuse or misuse and combined drug intoxication (CDI).[8][89][93]

In 2017, Jason Payne-James, a forensic pathologist, asserted that Ledger might have survived if hydrocodone and oxycodone had been left out of the combination of drugs that the actor took just prior to his death. He furthermore stated that the mixture of drugs, combined with a possible chest infection, caused Ledger to stop breathing.[94] Wikipedia

Heath was not gay, not that it matters to me. In fact, he was living with his girlfriend of 5 years, Michelle Williams, at the time of his death. But people full of hate will never let the truth stand in their way. 

Heroes appear out of nowhere...

Almost no one knows this true story about universally loved "nice guy" Oliver Hardy. When Oliver Hardy was 13-years-old, he and his brothers went swimming in a river near their home in Milledgeville Georgia after a big rainstorm. His older brother hit his head when he dove in from an overhanging tree limb. Though not much of an athlete or swimmer, Ollie dove in immediately trying to rescue his brother, all the time fighting the strong current and river swollen by recent rains. Ollie got to his brother, then brought him back to shore and immediately administered mouth to mouth resuscitation...but it was too late. Ollie didn't have to think about doing the right thing at the risk of his own life, he knew what to do and did it, my definition of a true hero.

South Park, Cartman, Gingers, Gingervitus and Catherine Deneuve, the fine line between parody, humor and bullying.

Catherine Deneuve Dorleac appeared in 1964's "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg," which is one of the most romantic movies ever made. Catherine was hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world by a poll in the NY Post in 1965. I learned two things which I had not realized, her equally beautiful sister  Francoise was killed in a traffic accident in the 1967 at the age of 25 and her mother died in 2020 at the age of 109-years-old. But the reason I think of her, other than from watching "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg" is whenever I see South Park: Ginger Kids, in which Trey Parker and Matt Stone make fun of kids with freckles, I think of Catherine Deneuve, who had freckles. One interesting footnote about South Park. The show was based on real life friends of Trey Parker and Matt Stone growing up in Lakewood Colorado. Trey Parker admitted that Cartman is mostly based on him. 

The character of Kenny was based on a real boy named Kenny. He was the poorest boy in town, who always wore a hooded parka to hide his old tattered clothes. The parka also muffled his voice.  Since he was embarrassed by his family's poverty in the otherwise affluent Denver suburb, he would play hooky a lot and spend short stays in juvenile over it. When he didn't show up in school his friends would say Kenny must be dead. That said, the kids liked him, Matt and Trey included. After 10 years of South Park, the boys finally showed what Kenny looked like without his parka. Turns out he is the most handsome member of the gang. 

Trey Parker was an actor before becoming creator of the cartoon series South Park.

Trey Parker appeared in 1992's "Newsies" about the REAL 1899 strike by Newsboys who were forced to take a pay cut because of the recession at the time and also eat the cost of unsold papers. Boys would be selling newspapers from 8 AM until after midnight to make sure they were NOT stuck with paying for unsold newspapers. Many of these kids were homeless, living in shelters and hungry, so this was an incredible burden for them. They went on strike. The strike ended in a compromise, the boys took a small pay cut but were not stuck with buying unsold newspapers.

Trey and Matt do feel loyalty to their old Denver hometown neighborhood. When they read their favorite restaurant and amusement center Casa Bonita was closing down because of the pandemic, they moved in and bought it. 

Roadside America mentions that the restaurant has "Wild West shootouts, brawling pirates, and a dancing gorilla" that "can be viewed while you eat." It also has a small puppet theater, a "haunted tunnel" called Black Bart's Cave, an arcade with a large skee-ball room, and a magic theater. Since 2023, as a nod to its new owners, the restaurant has references to South Park, such as a prop of Eric Cartman having food in his iconic table and a ManBearPig meet-and-greet. The restaurant is 52,000 square feet (4,800 m2) and can seat up to 1,100 patrons.

The evil side of bullying 

Elon Musk said Evangelical Republican Trump supporter Mauricio Garcia, the Allen Texas Mall Mass Murderer, who killed 8 human beings at a shopping mall, was an Illegal Alien, which was a LIE. Mauricio served in the US ARMY. You must be an American Citizen to serve in the US Military. But it is worse than that. When Elon was shown a photo of Mauricio and his NAZI SS TATTOOS and HIS NAZI SWASTIKA TATTOO, Elon pretended that they did not mean that he was a Nazi racist. I can't think of anyone other than racists who have Nazi Schutzstaffel/Nazi SS Runic Symbol Tattoos and Swastika Tattoos. Can you? 

And his victims...

How do you define EVIL, the actor who commits an evil act or the man and his cause which profit from the evil? 

Evangelical "christian" Republican Billionaire David Green was the CEO of Hobby Lobby and the man behind the Evangelical Bible Museum.  He also spent $20,000,000 on Evangelical "christian" Super Bowl Ads in 2023. He also helped fund ISIS and other TERRORISTS, whether it was his intention or not. But he had to know, despite his claims to the contrary. 

But he has another claim to fame,  one which he hopes you and Jesus will overlook, one which he should NOT be proud of. David Green bought millions of dollars in STOLEN Museum artifacts/exhibits, which had been STOLEN from Iraqi Museums and archaeological sites. What was far worse, he bought them from ISIS and other TERRORISTS. David Green claimed he did not know they were stolen. The US Attorney who prosecuted him said that was a lie or "willful ignorance". Willful Ignorance is when anyone with an ounce of common sense would know the truth of the matter and yet you claim you didn't, like David Green did. If David Green didn't know, it was because David Green didn't want to know the truth, lies are much, much easier and much more profitable. 

Anyone who was paying attention, watching the news, reading a newspaper, listening to radio KNEW THE TRUTH. I am not sure about Fox "News," but I suspect even they carried the story. 

1000's of newspaper/tv/cable stories told of how ISIS TERRORISTS were funding their terrorist operations by stealing and selling antiquities from Iraqi Museums and Archaeological/Historic sites to Evangelical "christians" in the US. This story from CNN reports 17,000 stolen museum artifacts were being forcefully returned to Iraq, including exhibits from David Green's Bible Museum.

But what makes what David Green CEO of Hobby Lobby did truly evil was buying these stolen items from ISIS Terrorists. He claimed he did not know. Believe him or not, it is up to you. I know what I believe and I know he wouldn't want to know what I think. I would NEVER do business with TERRORISTS OR ISIS!!! OR HOBBY LOBBY!!!
David Green's Bible Museum was forced to return 5500 of items and David Green was forced to pay a $3,000,000 fine in Federal Court.

But the true evil is who David "Hobby Lobby" Green's "business partners" in stolen antiquities/smuggling were. 

A few years ago, someone told me about an ISIS video. Much to my regret I saw it one time, which was one time too many. A 12-year-old boy had missed religious school, so ISIS Terrorists were going to punish him. Several ISIS Terrorists grabbed him off the street, then put him in the back of their pick-up truck. The boy peed on himself. You saw the men laugh at the boy for losing control of his bladder. But who could blame him, he was terrified. And it turned out for good reason. The truck stopped in a secure ISIS controlled area. One man brought out a huge knife and, as five men held the crying, screaming boy down, proceeded to cut the boy's head off, you saw every second of the boy's terror, cries, screams and death. The child murderer then held the boy's head up to the cheers and laughter of his fellow terrorists, all of which was caught on video. I found this still, which I am posting. I will/would never post a link to the video, which made me physically ill. These are the men that "pro-life" Evangelical Republican David "Hobby Lobby" Green bought his stolen museum artifacts from. 

I read the EU  and the US were working to have the video deleted from the Internet. I hope they succeeded, because I never want to see it again. 

In 1989, I was watching the CBS Evening News and they had a  report on the Hillsborough Tragedy. 96 INNOCENT Liverpool KIDS were killed at a football/soccer game at Hillsborough Stadium. Visitor stands were surrounded by heavy gauge STEEL 10 foot mesh fences to prevent enthusiastic fans/hooligans from getting on the field. Police made a horrific mistake, they opened seldom used gates to deal with the huge Liverpool crowd arriving late funneling them to the already almost full stands, crushing Liverpool kids in the front of the crowd.

UK PM and Ronald Reagan friend Maggie Thatcher implemented damage control to protect her Tory Conservative Party and Police. She asked her friend Rupert "Fox News" Murdoch to SMEAR the dead kids to help her defense against the scandal. 

Rupert's Sun Newspaper accused the kids of spitting and peeing on the police and medics, hitting police and medics, violent attacks on other fans, pick-pocketing and sexual assault. Repeating a claim made by Chief Police Constable and Superintendent Duckenfield claimed the Liverpool fans forced their way past police officers and forced the gates open on their own. ALL OF THESE CLAIMS WERE 100% LIES! 
An investigation implemented by the Tory Conservative English Chief Justice Taylor to investigate police and the 96 children's deaths turned out to be a FRAUD. It was reported that the Chief Justice held IMPROPER SECRET MEETINGS with the Commissioner of Police in Sheffield throughout the investigation. 

To the surprise of no one, the Tory English Chief Justice endorsed Rupert Murdoch's Sun Newspaper LIES and held that police were 100% justified in all their actions. 

The English Chief Justice's Tory Chauffeur felt guilty that these kids were killed through no fault of their own and the English Chief Justice appeared to have never given a damn about them. He told the truth repeatedly to anyone who would listen. After 10 years someone finally did. 

Millions of flowers in remembrance of the kids killed at Hillsborough.

In 2016, UK PM David Cameron admitted the investigation was a fraud and the Liverpool kids who died at Hillsborough were 100% INNOCENT VICTIMS AND NOT GUILTY OF ANY CRIMES. 
God Bless these Liverpool children and their families.

  • I actually like Prince Charles, now King Charles III, even after his bitter divorce from Princess Diana. They were just mismatched. The lesson to be learned, don't ever marry someone to make your demanding father happy. You know it is funny, I don't have any issues with King Charles III, who is, in fact, the head of the British Tourism Industry, which reported 40,000,000 tourists in 2018, before Coronavirus. That is worth about $100 Billion annually to the UK, under Elizabeth II and theoretically under Charles III. What I object to comes from much more recent British History: 
  • I heard Southern Baptist Preacher and Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) praising Ronald Reagan's friend UK PM Margaret Thatcher a few months ago as one of the greatest leaders in the history of christianity, ever. I was outraged. 

  • England's #1 Rock and Roll DJ, Jimmy Savile, became the world's first VJ, he was also a close friend of Britain's Conservative PM, Margaret Thatcher, while the whole time he was also the United Kingdoms #1 child molester from the 1950's to the 2000's.

  • In 2011 it came out that English TORY/CONSERVATIVE TV Star Jimmy Savile, a personal friend of Margaret Thatcher, was a serial child molester for over 50 years. An official report released in 2016, which they admitted was incomplete, found that Jimmy Savile sexually abused 72 and raped 8mostly children under 18, including an 8-year-old girl. These were the cases for which there was enough evidence to lead to criminal prosecution. Another possible 100 cases didn't have enough evidence, but have been claimed and sworn to. TV Star Jimmy "Jim'll Fix It" Savile, whose #1 TV Series lasted from 1975 to 2007, was the most famous person in the country after the Royal Family and Prime Minister.  He started his career as a Rock nd Roll radio then TV DJ in the 1950's and early 1960's, rising with the fame of the Beatles and Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones.

  • Savile would go to orphanages, especially in Wales, and be allowed to take girls as young as 8 off site, where he would sexually abuse or rape them, willingly or unwillingly. British Police authorities did hear whispers about his activities and began informal inquiries, but money, he was very rich, would buy off witnesses and victims. Then it turned out UK Tory PM Maggie Thatcher, Republican US President Ronald Reagan's friend, ordered the investigations dropped as harassment. One of her key advisors, admitted Maggie knew the accusations were true, but Maggie's and Tory popularity through Jimmy Savile among the young was too important to lose.   A British subject made this photoshopped picture and it pretty much says it all.  UK PM Maggie Thatcher sent police and soldiers to violently put down a miners' strike in 1984, several miners ended up in the hospital, many with serious or life threatening injuries from beatings, 6 miners were killed. As if I didn't have enough reasons to dislike Preacher Mike Huckabee, I'll add this to the list.  

Apparently, a lot of people have broken moral compasses but don't realize it. They need to take them by SEARS and have them repaired or replaced.

Evil Incarnate, Florida Evangelical Republican Gov. Ron "DeSATANIST" DeSantis

Pro-Life Evangelical Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' Don't Say Gay Nazi Nuremberg Law went into effect July 1st, calling for persecution of gays.
Leon County Schools are secretly "outing" gay 12/13/14-year-old boys so Evangelical/Republican Parents' kids will know who to bully/terrorize/torture

Ron DeSATANIST DeSantis began a campaign to persecute gays when Disney World had a LGBT weekend welcoming gays to the park. Immediately, Gov. Ron DeSATANIST DeSantis unleashed a vicious hate orgy against gays calling for their persecution in the press, including justifying bullies/"christian" kids beating up gay boys/girls in school. 100's of Evangelical Republican preachers throughout the state of Florida picked up his call, justifying the persecution of gays, even kids, "for Jesus".  

Jesus will be discussing the matter with him and these preachers at a later date. 

DISNEY has refused to back down and refuses to discriminate against gays. DeSantis, Evangelicals and the Florida Republican Party have engaged in a vendetta, passing laws against Disney because they refuse to discriminate and persecute gays. Jesus would be proud.  

Separation of Church and State exists to protect the victims of persecution, not their persecutor(s). Around 2012, I saw this story posted online, a Jewish boy was playing high school football in Alabama when he was confronted with an inexcusable situation. His coach invited his Evangelical Preacher to give a Team Prayer at a MANDATORY team meeting. This Jewish boy chose not to join in the Christian Prayer. Several of his teammates noticed. They ambushed him and beat the crap out of the boy repeatedly for disrespecting their coach and his Preacher. 
When the boy and his parents went to the coach and complained, the coach called the boy a troublemaker. The family then they went to the principal, he said that this is Alabama which is in the Bible Belt and we believe in Jesus here. The family were thinking of filing suit. Then they started getting anonymous threats against the Dad's business and the boy was repeatedly bullied, beaten-up and tortured in school. They chose, involuntarily, to drop the matter so as to not hurt the family business and save their son from any further torture/beatings. I have no problem with silent individual prayer, but a child having the crap beaten out of him because he is a Jew in the Republican Evangelical Bible Belt is wrong. 
In Ireland they have an anti-bullying program which pretty much defines this situation, the Bible Belt, Evangelicals and Republicans, BULLYING = TORTURE/TERRORISM. 

Ireland and Princess Diana are 100% right. 


When I was in college at Georgia State University in the 1970's. I read a legal history of the Virginia Colony. They had a few paragraphs about an Irish Catholic boy who ran away from his English Evangelical Protestant Master sometime in the late 1600's. A little background, in 1649 English Evangelical Puritan General Cromwell invaded Ireland and EXTERMINATED between 600,000 and 1,000,000 Irish Catholics, then stole the survivors farms, their Civil and Human Rights. This Irish Catholic boy was kidnapped from his family and forced into INVOLUNTARY servitude/SLAVERY while living in Ireland. He was kidnapped by police then sent to the colonies by boat, specifically to Virginia, against his will and away from his family. I don't know how old he was, he could be 10-years-old or 20-years-old, the trial transcript only said he was a boy. A male only became a legal adult, a man, at 21 under English common law.  From reading the court case, it sounded like the boy was about 13 or 14-years-old. The boy decided he no longer wanted to be a slave to an English Evangelical family and chose to run away. His master tracked him and caught the boy, who refused to come back with him. The English Colonial Master beat the boy viciously on the spot, killing him. The master was called into court over killing the boy. A Virginia English Colonial Judge ruled the boy was property and the master was within his rights to kill him. No crime, no foul.  Was the boy a slave? He wasn't paid for his labor. The master volunteered to the judge that he beat and tortured the boy in trying to get him to convert from Catholicism to his Evangelical Protestant faith. The boy refused. He told the judge he also had to beat and starve the boy to get 12 hours of labor out of him a day, six days a week, for no money. This anonymous Irish Catholic boy is one of the first American Patriots fighting for OUR FREEDOM. 

The nightmare continues, FOUR EVANGELICAL "christian" "men" beat-up, tortured and murdered a 15-year-old Irish Catholic boy in 2005 in Ballymena. The Evangelical "christian" men laughed and spewed out racist slurs as the boy screamed, cried and slowly died from being sexually abused, kicked in the nuts, beaten with bats and fists. Nothing would stop them, not even the boy's pleas for mercy, asking what did I ever do to you? He had never met the men before. 

Robert Redford is a passionate man fighting for the causes and people he believes in. Ask this boy if you have any doubts.

An odd aside, with all the horrible stories about how police and authorities treat the homeless, I thought immediately of Robert Redford when I read this story about a mentally troubled runaway kid in Park City, the site of Robert Redford's home and the Sundance Film Festival. I have no doubt that Robert has influenced Park City's government and police and we can all be proud of them and him. He is a blessing to all that know him and certainly one kid, a lost soul, who is now back with his family. Thanks, Robert!

A Magical, Memorable Moment 
I was listening to the radio the other day when Barbra Streisand came on singing one of my favorite songs, Evergreen. It brought to mind one of those odd memories which make the ordinary extraordinary. I remember that there was a show years ago called "Fish" starring Abe Vigoda. It was a spin off of Barney Miller. The acting wasn't that good, but the writing was worse. Totally forgettable. I think I only watched it one or two times before giving up on it. But one night I was channel surfing and I came across one scene which has staid with me the thirty years since I saw it.
Sarah Natoli playing the character Diane Pulaski is a lonely, unhappy girl. She is not particularly attractive and certainly not popular. I think that the story line was that some boy had hurt her feelings. Though the show wasn't a musical, Sarah is shown singing "Evergreen". Evergreen is one of the most beautiful songs Barbra ever wrote. Sarah sings beautifully and with as much passion and feeling as Barbra Streisand. It was an incredible moment. I've never seen that episode again and, yet, that particular scene and the memory of Sarah Natoli's singing will never leave me. Here is the episode, Sarah starts singing "Evergreen" at approximately 12:20 in. 

Like my mom and Nana taught me, there is no sin in being hated, but there is a sin in hating. 
I will always listen to them. I will never listen to Ron DeSATANIST" DeSantis, David "Hobby Lobby" Green or Billionaire Preachers Mike Huckabee or Franklin Graham as they unleash and spew out their venomous poison.  I choose instead to follow the example of people like this. 

Two of Hollywood's Greatest Stars were also great Chess Champions

Super Cool James Dean gets no credit for how strong he was and the adversity he overcame, nor his best and most heroic role as "big brother" to his cousin Marcus.  

James lettered in baseball and basketball and was Fairmount Indiana High School Chess Champion. Moments after the this photo was taken of James Dean and his Porsche 550 Spyder at a gas station, filling up, in route to the '55 Salinas Road Race on September 30, 1955, James was killed when a driver failed to yield at an intersection, crashing into his Porsche.

James and his Dad lost his mom when he was 9-years-old. James told friends, that was the day he stopped being a happy kid. He and his dad adored his mom and were never the same after she was gone.

A Flame that burned too bright and burned out too early.

James Dean's biggest secret, one which he only told his "big sister" and best friend Elizabeth Taylor.

What was worse, according to Elizabeth Taylor, James was molested by his family's Evangelical Methodist Minister starting when he was 9-years-old shortly after his mom's death, I did read another report that the rape/molestation started when James was 11, maybe the Evangelical Preacher became "close" to the family when James was 9-years-old and worked up to the abuse, and lasting for the next 7 years until he turned 16. Elizabeth Taylor was his best friend, a surrogate mom and a big sister to him. James told her about being molested and raped as a kid in a private conversation while filming "Giant" (1956). Liz only revealed this story shortly before her death in 2011. He told her that she, the preacher, who raped him, and he, himself, were the only ones who knew. She kept the secret for 60 years. Few of us have started with as many things wrong in their lives as James Dean did and yet come back to be a success, much less a huge success. 

A horrific, appalling footnote:
I found a website honoring famous people from Indiana. This child molesting Evangelical Methodist Preacher is listed among them. It mentions him mentoring James Dean and then praises him for his work with juvenile delinquents in prison. He was appointed head of a juvenile justice commission running juvenile prisons in the state by the Republican Governor. Yeah, I can see him doing cavity searches on naked 12-year-old boys arrested for smoking cigarettes, burping in PE, jay walking in trailer parks or shoplifting candy bars from the local grocery store, only doing it to "help" keep them away from drugs and alcohol. 

The boy below was sent to a juvenile prison while this preacher was in charge of juvenile prisons in Indiana. His story shows how successful this preacher and his commission were. The boys name was Charlie Manson. 

Charlie Manson is one of the most cold-blooded and evil people who ever lived. His mom was a prostitute and he spent almost his whole life in prison. When Charlie was 10, Manson's mom sold him for a pitcher of beer to a woman who wanted to have children. Manson's uncle had to find the woman so that he could get his nephew back. Charlie was arrested for shoplifting and burglary when he was 11 and 12-years-old. When he was 13, he was sent to Gibault Reform School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana for stealing a car with 2 of his buddies. Charlie would tell his "family" that he was raped by guards and other, bigger boys, from the first day he was there and almost every day afterwards for the 2 years he was there before he escaped when he was 15. Charlie Manson's "family" is believed to have killed up to 25 people, including Sharon Tate, her friends and Lino and Rosemary LaBianca.                                                                                     

A similar experience happened to 17-year-old Texan Clyde Barrow. Imprisoned for burglary, he was trying to help feed his family, during Herbert Hoover's Republican Great Depression he got caught by police, Clyde looked like he was 14-years-old. He told his family he was raped from his first day in Texas Eastham State prison, by both guards and prisoners. The governor let him out after serving 2 years of his 20 year sentence after reports of the abuse reached the Governor's office, but it was too late. Clyde's family say he became an insane mad dog killer. Proof, a couple of years after Clyde got out, he BROKE INTO EASTHAM TEXAS STATE PRISON AND MURDERED prisoners/guards who raped. him. A couple of guards were lucky, they had the day off or they would have been executed too. I wrote Clyde's story to show how the legal/prison system can create serial/spree killers.

The boy is the father of the man.

I love James's quote at the end of this essay and agree with his opinion 100%. Here is a picture of James on a trip home to Indiana and his cousin, Marcus Winslow Jr. James became a big brother to Marcus, teaching him to play chess and shooting baskets with him. Marcus became incredibly popular in school bringing James to meet his friends and teachers. Few people know that James was an all-star athlete, basketball and baseball, and yet was also the school chess champ. That is my kind of hero. I know Marcus would agree with me. 

Few lives have had more promise than James Dean. Unfortunately that life was extinguished here on a road to Salinas California. We miss you James. There aren't enough nice "guys" in the world and so that we can't afford to lose any. 

James' wrecked 550 Spyder Porsche was sold for $324,000

Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo

If you ever watched Seinfeld, you are in for a surprise.  Liz Sheridan played Jerry's Mom, while former NYPD Detective Barney Martin played his Dad. Liz was also one of Elizabeth "Bewitched" Montgomery best friends. 

Liz Sheridan also had a very famous boyfriend when she got started in Hollywood. She dated James Dean right up until the day he wrecked his Porsche in September 1955. Liz said she cried for days. Don't think twice about James' scowl, he hated taking publicity photos.

Liz also played the nosey neighbor on space alien ALF's TV Show. 

James Dean was the ultimate cool kid in the 1950’s, even eclipsing Elvis. 

James, his mom and his dad had lived in California while he served in the military. James and his dad came home to Indiana to the family farm after mom died.

James Dean's mom died when he was 9. He and his Dad were devastated and became lost souls, until his Dad remarried. Unfortunately, his stepmom and James didn't communicate as well as they should have, he never told his dad or stepmom about their Evangelical Methodist Preacher molesting him for 7 years.  I suspect this was because James missed his mom so much to ever allow his stepmom to fill any part of the hole in his life that her death caused him. And who could blame him. James tried to bury his sadness from missing his mom through involvement in school activities. 

James Dean was cool, but I wonder how many of his fans know he was a geek, a bookworm and chess champion.  He was the ultimate cool GEEK!

James Dean, Dad and Stepmom

James and his cousin Marcus Winslow

15-year-old James Dean and his cousin Marcus Winslow Jr. before he left for Hollywood in 1949.

"I guess I was older then too. I remember the kids at school giving me their autograph books wanting to know if I’d bring them home and have Jimmy sign them. I didn’t know if he’d like to do that or not but he seemed to be pretty tickled to do it. I think he was enjoying his popularity somewhat." Marcus Winslow Jr. Jimmy with Marcus before he left for Hollywood in 1949. The kids and teacher would come by to meet him and he never seemed to mind.

I guess you can figure I am not a fan of anyone, as for James Dean, I would have been honored to have him as my friend or my "big brother".

James House 14611 Sutton Street cabin home in Sherman Oaks LA, which he left for the road race and rally the day he died. The house burned down in 1957 and was replaced with a Los Angeles "McMansion". 

The home he sold to rent the cabin above. He slept in an open loft overlooking the livingroom in the cabin. James said this mansion was too big to feel like any home he would live in.

James "Rockford Files" Garner lost his mom when he was 7-years-old and it devastated his family too. He too turned to extra-circular activities in school and joining the military to overcome the sadness of losing his mom. The only difference between James Dean and James Garner was that James Garner and his brothers did it as much to escape a stepmom from Hell. 

Actor James "Rockford Files" Garner had much the same experience, missing his mom who died when he was 7-years-old, made far worse by a selfish, domineering stepmother his dad married a few months later, who made the whole family miserable.

Above, James Garner's mom, dad and with mom

Jack, James and Charles Garner at Jack's High School Graduation, Dad Weldon Bumgarner, the family's original name, and their gentle mom above. Mildred died in 1933, when James was 7 years old. The kids and dad would feel her loss the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, their dad drank too much to hide his pain then remarried the WRONG woman who made it her mission to make the suffering boys' lives more miserable. She was extremely religious, strict and vicious.
His father’s new wife, Wilma, beat all three boys constantly — especially young James. She would force him to dress like a girl and call him "Louise" when he 8/9/10 and take him to town to humiliate him. Later Garner would describe Wilma, nicknamed "Red" because of her flaming red hair, as a “nasty bitch” and a “damn no-good woman". The last straw occurred when James about 16 and Wilma started beating and choking him for some minor offense, for the first time James fought back and slugged her. Though it took a few more months, that was the end of the marriage and Bumgarner/Garner boys torment. 
Shortly thereafter, James joined the Merchant Marine then transferred to the Army when the Korean War broke out. 

Years later, in the 1980's, James Garner returned home to Oklahoma, being honored with a statue. James was told by a childhood friend that his stepmom Wilma was in the crowd. James was very clear, he had had enough of her when he was a kid, he had no desire to see her now.

When he and his brother became old enough they enlisted in the military to escape "Wilma". James would get his High School Diploma while in the Army. James would serve with honor in Korea, winning two Purple Hearts for his service during the war.  After he got out, dad had moved from Oklahoma to Los Angeles. 

He went to work with his Dad in a carpet laying company, that is, until he saw one of his war buddies, a man he had also worked with at a gas station, had become a Hollywood Agent, Paul Gregory and Associates, inscribed on a marquee of a building on his way to lunch. James dropped into see him and the rest is history. James got a role as an extra in the Broadway version of "Caine Mutiny" (1954).  James actually said, if there hadn't been an empty parking space in the parking lot he wouldn't gone to see his buddy. We are the lucky ones.

James Garner's Dad's 3rd wife, called "Mama Grace" by the three Garner boys, proved dad finally got it right. "Mama Grace" was kind, gentle, full of love and knew how to cook. During an Adlai Stevenson for President rally in 1956, liberal Democrat James Garner met his wife Lois. who already had a child. James Garner found the family that he was looking for. 

James with Martin Luther King, accompanying Diahann Carrol and Paul Newman at Martin Luther King's 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington. 

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote that he would rather be remembered as a good man than a great one. Jim will always be remembered for the kind way he treated the people he met. He stood up for Civil Rights when studio execs were terrified it would ruin ratings and moving attendance in the Southern Bible Belt.

Dick van Dyke got the same warning when he went, with 50,000 others, to Martin Luther King's 1965 Civil Rights Speech at the LA Colosseum, Dick's show was #1 in the ratings, he responded to network execs. Sometimes you do things simply because they are right. 

Here is Dick van Dyke in 2022, at the age of 96, giving a gift of money to men/women, waiting in line for Day Labor Jobs, most paying the STARVATION minimum wage, before Christmas. 

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius led his army through Asia Minor/Turkey, stopping at a farm. The farmer sent a 12-year-old slave to retrieve some apples for the emperor. Marcus spoke to the boy for a few moments, finding out that he became a slave when he was 8-years-old after his parents died. Marcus found the boy intelligent and quick witted. When Marcus left the next morning, neither the farmer or the boy expected to ever meet or hear from Marcus again. They were wrong. 

Marilyn Monroe told friends that she always felt alone because of the way people saw her...

The Real Marilyn Monroe

Shortly before her death, Marilyn was filming a movie at 20th Century Fox Studios directed by George Cukor called "Something's Got to Give" (1962), a remake of Cary Grant and Irene Dunne's "My Favorite Wife". It was the story of a wife and mother stranded on an island, whose husband, Dean Martin, moves on and is getting remarried after she has been missing for 7 years. Marilyn is rescued from the deserted island, where she and a "hunk" have lived in the interval. She immediately races back to Dean and her two kids, played by Robert Christopher Morley and Alexandra Heilweil.  

From the LA Times, the kids remember very little of the film, except Marilyn, who made a very deep impression on them. Both kids left acting after the ill fated movie. 

She was kind and gentle, listening to them, showing genuine affection and hugging them. 

“One of the things that I remember most about her is that she was very personable,” Morley says of Monroe. “You can sense as a little kid who really cares about you and who could care less. I distinctly remember that she was very warm, that she would spend time talking to you as another human being, as opposed to some of the other actors, Dean Martin, Cyd Charisse and Wally Cox, to whom it was just a job. At least as a kid, she felt pretty genuine.

“She was very sensitive. I remember my scenes with her a lot more than with the others, which were very mechanical.”

Kids can always tell who's faking it and who really likes them. Marilyn was real, her hugs and love was sincere and heartfelt.


She missed several days of filming, because she didn't "feel well". Marilyn was struggling with her demons, showing up late, forgetting her lines, which led the studio to fire her after 8 weeks of shooting. She would overdose on sleeping pills shortly thereafter. 

In the plot of the film, her two kids have no memory of her, so she attempts to slowly introduce herself to them.

Henry Schipper, who wrote, narrated and co-produced a documentary about the movie with Ken Turner, says that outtakes from the ill-fated production--which later was made as “Move Over, Darling” with Doris Day and James Garner--show a maternal Monroe both on-camera and off.

After one take, he notes, the camera captured her “rolling around with the two kids, tickling them, laughing, really enjoying them. The emotions on her face as she looks at them are marvelous . . . in the outtakes, you see Marilyn Monroe as a real person.” LA Times

There is one photo from the uncompleted film which created a sensation, a publicity photo, showing Marilyn skinny dipping.  But when I think of the unfinished movie, I remember her genuine affection for the two kids, that was the real Marilyn.

Marilyn and Pulitzer Prize winning author Arthur Miller

Pulitzer Prize winning author Arthur Miller met Marilyn Monroe at a party. Usually everyone he met at parties would bring up his most famous plays, The Scarlet Letter and Death of a Salesman, A few minutes of conversation would show most had never read them. Arthur was shocked, after a few minutes of conversation, Marilyn had read them and he was fascinated on her take on his work. He fell in love with her immediately. Marilyn had a huge personal library and Arthur found she had read almost everyone of the books on her shelves.

Arthur Miller is one of my heroes. Poor teenager Peter Reilly came home from a social at a local church to find his mom beaten up, tortured and murdered. Police immediately zeroed in on Peter, now an orphan, questioning him for almost 12 hours without break, stripping him naked and examining every inch of his body. Though they could find no evidence showing his guilt, they arrested him and convicted him at trial. The prosecuting District Attorney Bianchi, shown shooting a bird at reporters, was slammed after it was revealed he had proof of Peter's innocence before the trial, a state patrol officer had seen Peter miles away at the time his mom was killed. The officer was 100% sure, because no one in town had a car anything like Peter's. Shy kids tend to express their inner souls through the cars they buy and fix-up.

Peter was told by a State Police Lie Detector Administrator that he flunked the lie detector test and was 100% guilty. Peter kept saying I don't remember doing it. The print out was shown to independent lie detector administrators and they unanimously found that the State Police Official LIED. Peter's test established he was innocent and telling the truth.  No one believed him until his Canaan Connecticut neighbors rallied to his cause. Among them writers Arthur Miller and Joan Barthel. 

As a child, Marilyn's mom suffered through several mental breakdowns leading to her living with relatives, later in an Evangelical foster home and later an Evangelical Orphanage. It is now believed that Marilyn was repeatedly raped in the foster home and  possibly in the orphanage. She never talked about it, but it is believed to be the reason behind her sexually promiscuous persona which captivated American.
When you think about it, remember this is the little girl who was raped and abused, not the sex kitten we know.

Marilyn with her mom's family, the Bakers. Mom Gladys Baker is on the right. Marilyn's birth name was Norma Jean Baker, her mom was not married, She became Norma Jean Dougherty after her marriage to sailor Jim Daugherty.  

Marilyn and her mom, center, many years later. 

16-year-old Norma Jean Baker becomes Mrs. Dougherty at age 16. 

Before the troubles...

Very daring for mid to late 1940's.

Flour used to come in cloth bags with designs on them during the Great Depression and poor mothers would make her children's clothes out of them when the flour was used up. After her famous nude photo, a photographer took this photo proving that Marilyn could make anything look good. 

It was this nude photo used on an auto-shop calendar which caused the explosion of interest in Marilyn Monroe.  Hugh "Playboy Magazine" Hefner bought rights to the photo, which helped propel his magazine on news stands across the US.

My Dad went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta after his service in WWII. Marilyn appeared in Look Magazine wearing a Georgia Tech Sweater. My dad bought a copy, I bet everyone at the school did. 

One might be led to guess that the holier than though Evangelical faith which was crammed down her throat growing up, accompanied by the sexual abuse and rape by these same people, would do horrific damage to any boy or girl growing up.  And perfectly explains why she married American soldier James Daugherty at age 16-years-old but the marriage only lasted two years by which time she was 18 and could determine her own future. James would later become a career policeman. Marilyn's choice in boyfriends and husbands, Dougherty, Joe DiMaggio and Arthur Miller, all three intelligent, honest, hardworking regular guys, except Arthur who was also an intellectual, the son of Jewish Polish immigrants.

Marilyn Monroe finds a real friend

Joe DiMaggio was watching them film this scene, shot twice, once on a set and again on a New York City Street, for the movie "The Seven Year Itch" (1955) and knew he had a problem. 

Raised in a very strict Italian Catholic family, seeing men watching his wife's skirt fly up that way was too much for him, leading to their divorce. But he loved her until the day she died and beyond, sending a red rose to her grave on the anniversary of her death every year until his death. 

Peter Mangone was probably the luckiest 14-year-old kid ever.
A magical story about Marilyn: A 14-year-old boy from the Bronx, Peter Mangone, heard that Marilyn Monroe was staying at the Gladstone Hotel on East 52nd Street in Manhattan, after her separation from Joe DiMaggio, near his public high school. So several mornings he went over to her hotel about 7:00 AM and waited outside for about 20-30 minutes, since school started at 8:15 AM, hoping to see Marilyn. After a few days, this happened. One very cold day, he finally saw Marilyn and said "Hi". She was very polite and said "Hi". The next day he was there again and worked up his courage to ask her for an autograph if she was there again before he left for school. 
Peter saw her, approached her and said "Hi" again, Marilyn said "you were here yesterday, weren't you cold? They talked and walked for a while, before he excused himself she gave him her phone number and said good-bye, so he could get to school. It was a simple friendship, with no strings, no sex or angles attached. They soon became real friends. She would take him to lunch and dinner, give him lifts and take him shopping, buying him small presents, mostly related to his photography hobby. One day he brought his camera and took pictures. One of which is shown above taken by Marilyn. His brother also had an 8mm film camera, once his brother found out about his friendship with Marilyn, he lent him his camera, as long as he got to meet her, which he did. Pete said that she was gentle, kind, great company and fun. And he liked her, even feeling protective of her. If you remember Marilyn remember her for that. 

She didn't smile much after her divorce, but Peter caught moments when she saw him with his 8mm camera. He could always make her smile 

One always smiles when you see a friend.. 


  1. I too, remember Sarah singing Evergreen. It was great. Sarah was my favorite actress on that show. I wish she had more lines in it though.

  2. It is the Anniversary episode and it is now posted on youtube. She does sing Evergreen beautifully.

  3. Check out the photos I took on the set of Fish in 1977. They include a number of pics of Sarah and the other actors on the show. You'll find them on my Facebook page in the Photos/Albums section. Here's a link that will get you there:
