Saturday, September 5, 2009

Humphrey Bogart, John Houston and Lauren Bacall Show Real Courage and 11-year-old Boy Scout Damion Heersink and Forensic Files, which can teach us all something very important!

I always remember the story of how George W. Bush almost flunked out of flight school during his "military" service, then telling everyone that he volunteered to serve in Vietnam. The only problem with the story, he made sure to volunteer when it had already been announced by the Pentagon that no new pilots were going to be sent to the war. That is probably as brave as any coward ever gets. Unless you count Evangelist Pat Robertson. When Pat Robertson ran for President in 1988, he bragged about his military service in Korea. If you listened to Pat he was a man of God and a true Christian Soldier, brave, fearless and a leader of men. Well, that is until Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey revealed the truth about Robertson's military service. Pat Robertson's Dad was a US Senator from Virginia. Whose only claim to fame was he opposed every Civil Rights law ever passed in the US. In fact, Pat Robertson's Dad was declared a Hero of the KKK.
Senator Robertson pulled strings so that his son didn't end up where the fighting was. Daddy got Pat assigned to a detail which delivered alcohol to Officer's Clubs behind the lines during the war. While men such as "The Rockford Files" James Garner served honorably and bravely in the trenches of the Korean War, watching his friends and buddies wiped out by the Communists, Pat cowered/coward in fear leaching off the bravery of the real men who fought there and died there. Republican Pete McCloskey was a real hero serving with honor in Korea. When he heard Pat Robertson lying about his record, he is quoted as saying, he didn't give a damn whether he won or lost the Republican Nomination, but he intended to make sure that everyone knew the truth about the coward that Pat Robertson was. 

Free Speech by Norman Rockwell

But Humphrey Bogart (Bogie), John Houston and Lauren Bacall were real heroes. They prove that you don't have to be on a battlefield to earn the "red badge of courage". With Richard Nixon and his anti-Communist, Anti-Jewish, Republican Witch Hunts of the late 1940's, a lot of innocent people saw their lives and careers ruined. Most people didn't have the courage or the character to stand up to Nixon and his fellow Republicans. A few did. They risked everything standing up for what was right. Republicans smeared and slurred these brave few. Pictured here Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall prepare to testify before Congress against the activities of HUAC. Bogies friends advised him that he might never work again, but he forcefullyresponded that some things are more important than work.
Pastor Niemoller, Lutheran Pastor, Anti-Nazi and Dachau Death Camp Survivor(1946)
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up, because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no left to speak up for me."

BULLIES Sen. Joe McCarthy and Republican counsel Roy Cohn attacked a series of innocent people. Their evil "crusade" fell apart after they attacked a black government clerk and a young attorney in a Boston Law Firm. 

Evangelicals attack gays and transgenders as grooming perverts, but have they ever looked at themselves? 

Forensic Files is a great Teacher

Forensic Files: Raw Terror. 12-year-old Boy Scout Damion Heersink, his dad was a doctor and his mom was a nurse, went on a campout with his troop. Their Dothan Alabama Scoutmaster was cooking hamburgers and Damion was helping out. He saw some hamburger on the side of grill and being hungry ate it, but it turned out to be uncooked/raw when he swallowed it. A couple of days later he and his family were traveling from Alabama to Florida Space Camp. He had diarrhea and the family had to make frequent stops so he could run into the men's room. In desperation Mom gave him Pepto-Bismol to treat his diarrhea. Turns out that was the worst thing she could have done. If she had allowed the diarrhea to "clean out" his intestines, Damion might have been fine. But Pepto-Bismol allowed the E.coli bacteria from the uncooked hamburger to flourish and the 11-year-old became deathly ill.  Damion was near death several times, suffering through over 10 surgeries. Damion is now a doctor like his father and an object lesson that your body is probably smarter than we are in fighting disease. Damion's mom wrote a book to make sure no one ever makes the same mistake she did.

Damion's mom's book is still available on Amazon if you are interested in reading it:

Dr. Mike did a video on YouTube about how fighting fevers is not always the best strategy. Fevers kill bacteria and viruses and are our bodies first line of defense. Taking medication to stopping fevers could as easily cause diseases and infections to flourish and make your illness worse.

We count on coaches, teachers and administrators to protect our kids. Sometimes they have more important things on their minds to protect. 

For those who have forgotten, like Fox News' Mr. Mark Levin. Mark Levin held Evangelical Republican Clinton Persecutor and Baylor University President Ken Starr up as an example of "Christian Virtue" on his show while attacking Trump Special Prosecutor Jack Smith. Levin obviously forgot Ken Starr was FIRED from Southern Baptist Baylor University. Why? Several underage girls/co-eds had been raped by VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS. A fact revealed in an investigative report appearing in the Baylor Student Newspaper.  Starr went to the girls and THREATENED/BULLIED them into dropping charges, "for the good of the school" and the football team. He even threatened to expel them if they didn't. The girls and their parents were in SHOCK over Starr's actions.  Parents trusted this man, Republican/Evangelical Special Persecutor Ken Starr, with their kids. Their anger boiled over and they decided to make it their crusade, for their daughters, to get Republican Evangelical Clinton Special Persecutor Ken Starr FIRED as President of Southern Baptist Baylor University. They did and our kids were safe once again.

Evangelical Republican High School Wrestling Coach Denny Hastert retired from teaching to become a Republican member of the US House of Representatives, eventually rising to Speaker of the House from 1999 to 2007. He became known as an anti-gay and Evangelical Christian Crusader.

Denny Hastert led the effort to impeach President Bill Clinton for his affair with 21-year-old Monica Lewinsky.  Ms. Lewinsky said the affair was totally consensual. Well, it turns out Denny Hastert had skeletons in his closet. 

While teaching school, Evangelical Republican school teacher Denny Hastert was having sex with boys as young as 14-years-old on his team. Here is one of his victims, Steve Reinboldt. 

Here is another victim, Scott Cross, who was attacked in the weight room of the school gym after everyone else had left.  Scott said it freaked him out. He and the coach had become friends. Scott was having trouble making the team and Coach Hastert volunteered to give him special tutoring after school. Instead he pulled the boy's gym shorts and underpants down and proceeded to sexually abuse him. 

We know of 4 boys molested/raped by Denny Hastert, but it is believed that other boys were raped as well, but are too humiliated to come forward. 

Steven Reinboldt, Denny Hastert victim, dead of AIDS at 42 in 1995. 


  1. I don't know if you are able to go back and edit old entries. If so, you might want to change "Pat coward in fear" to "Pat cowered in fear"

    Clueless in Seattle,
    Public Proofreader
