Tuesday, June 23, 2020

MURDER MOST FOUL, An Unsolved "Mystery," the 1991 Indiana Torture Murder of 16-year-old Jason Bolton and the Torture Murder of Irish Catholic 15-year-old Michael McIlveen

Jason Dale Bolton, 16, was found dead in the middle of a rural Indiana road. The Republican Sheriff and his deputies "investigated" Jason Bolton's death and wrote it off as a hit and run. Jason was a good kid, a good student with no discipline issues, though he had a couple of minor incidents involving pot. When Jason's body was taken to the coroner's office, Jason's family was in for a shock. 16-year-old Jason Bolton had been CASTRATED. His penis, testicles and scrotum had been cut off, while he was still alive, leaving him to bleed to death, but that wasn't cruel enough for his murderer(s). Then someone took the boy, while he was still alive, and placed him spread eagle in the middle of the road. Then they deliberately aimed a car between his legs and ran him over TWICE to hide the torture murder. They crushed his bladder, intestines, kidneys, lungs and stomach, broke several bones, his legs, his hips, his ribs, vertebrae and tail bone, it was this final act of cruelty which finally killed the 16-year-old boy. NO ONE, much less a 16-year-old boy, deserves that. The agony and suffering of this boy must have been beyond measure. Jason was murdered in rural Fayette County Indiana August 21, 1991 near the Rush County line. To this day, nothing has been done to resolve the case. Four of the people, who attended the party with Jason the night that he was TORTURED AND MURDERED, gave statements to police. They said Jason was high and drunk when he wandered out on the road, passed out and fell, at which point, he was hit by an oncoming car, which left the scene. 

Jason's cries and screams as he was being castrated must have been heard by everyone in that house. Jason must have been screaming, begging for mercy for the several minutes it took to kill him. It must have taken more than one person, probably more than two to hold him down as the horrific and bloody castration took place by another person. Jason must have fought for his life with every ounce of strength he had. He must have known he was being murdered. Unfortunately his cries fell on the deaf ears of his murderer(s) and the murderer's friends inside and outside that house. Everyone in that house must be made to answer the questions about what happened that night. Their lies are not good enough. And if they knew what happened to Jason they are as guilty as whoever wielded the knife TORTURING AND MURDERING the 16-year-old boy.  They should all face the same penalty as the perpetrator, because they were accessories to Jason's TORTURE/MURDER.  Obviously, the sheriff and his department never cared about Jason or Justice. The Republican Sheriff and his department are accessories after the fact in Jason's TORTURE/MURDER.

Since their statements were lies, one could ask why weren't they suspected of involvement in Jason's TORTURE/MURDER or, at least, prosecuted for false statements and hindering prosecution.  According to reports, the police never tested any of the party attendee's cars for blood on their tires. One of the party attendees was a relative of the Republican Sheriff. This man was suspected of being a drug dealer in the area.                                                                                                                                            
My life stopped the night I identified baby Jason. I went there that morning, to where it happened. They didn’t even clean it up. There were latex gloves and I even picked up a couple teeth I would have done more then, but I didn’t know. I only saw his face. No one told me about his groin area! I didn’t even know until I finally got my hands on those pictures. At first the Coroner told me no. But he called me the next morning and said he had thought about it all night, and if I would meet him in 20 minutes he would give them to me so I did. That’s when I realized the rumors were true, his whole groin area was just….gone…mutilated. I saw a picture of a little white thing on the side of the road by the grass I didn’t even know what it was. Coroner Joe Todd told me it was a testicle. And it was! It was a little severed testicle.” –Tomi Bolton Schmidt  https://www.facebook.com/groups/Missing.Indiana/permalink/1556167494477148/?comment_id=2543842602376294 

All of this evidence should have been taken into police custody under common law enforcement practice, then and now. The fact that it wasn't  taken into evidence, proves that the police, obviously, never considered this boy's TORTURE/MURDER worth their time. I don't know how you feel, but for me, NO ONE MUST EVER BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH THE TORTURE AND MURDER OF A KID. Republican Evangelical "christian" Law and Order Governor and Conservative Republican Hate Radio Announcer Mike Pence never considered this case worth his time either for his radio show or as chief law enforcement officer in the state of Indiana. I care, Jason, and call for JUSTICE.  But, then again, I am a liberal Democrat.

There are some crimes which MUST be solved, the torture and murder of a child comes first. There is NO statute of limitations on the torture murder of children. Start with Jason Bolton, he and his family deserve justice. Then investigate the police who failed to solve this crime against humanity. 

15-year-old Irish Catholic Micky-bo McIlveen never makes it home, he was ambushed by four Evangelical "christian" Men who decided to have fun Torture Murdering him. 

Irish Catholic 15-year-old boy, Micky-bo McIlveen buys dinner for his family after a day at an amusement park with his friends, but never makes it home. Four Evangelical Christian "men" chase him and beat him to death. 

In 2006, 15-year-old Irish Catholic Michael "Mickey-bo" McIlveen went to an amusement center in Ballymena Northern Ireland with 3 of his buddies. Returning home, he and his friends stopped by a fast food restaurant to buy take out dinners for their families. After Micky-bo and his friends left they continued walking home. Suddenly and without any provocation, he and his buddies were attacked and chased by FOUR ADULT EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT MEN. Two of Micky-bo's friends got clean away, one was beaten for a minute but escaped and went for police. But Micky-bo was surrounded by the four men who punched, kicked and hit him with a bat, beating the **** out of the boy. 

One on one can be a fight, but four grown men against one kid is a crime against humanity. His screams quickly became cries, then whimpers as he passed out and began to slip into a coma.
The boys had never met the men before and had no idea who they were. These Evangelical men had deliberately gone to a Catholic section of town to hunt, bully, TORTURE and MURDER Catholic boys. These "christian" men added TORTURE MURDER OF A KID TO THEIR EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN RESUME.  

Unconscious, Micky-bo was taken to the hospital where he died a couple of days later. 


Micky-bo's Torture Murderers received sentences as light as 8 years, one even got time off for "good behavior".  What crime deserves life in prison, if not the torture/murder of a child? 

But it wasn't enough to torture/murder an innocent child, they and their supporters needed to torture his family and friends too. 

The Evangelical Protestant Orange Order had a scheduled parade a few days later, which they annually led through Irish Catholic parts of Ballymena to intimidate and terrorize the inhabitants. That year The Orange Order changed their parade route so as they could march in front of Micky-bo's family and friends living in Micky-bo's neighborhood. 

In front of Micky-bo's friends and family, 1000's of Orange Order Evangelical "christian" marchers screamed "F*** Micky-bo!"

A local Ballymena Evangelical City Councilor, Scots-Irish Roy Gillespie, volunteered, in an interview with a reporter, that Micky-bo's torture/murderers would be welcomed into heaven as heroes while the INNOCENT tortured and murdered boy, Michael "Micky-bo" McIlveen, would go straight to hell for being Catholic. In response to the boy's death, local Catholic and Protestant teen boys and girls were determined to take a stand against religious hatred by attending Michael McIlveen's funeral together in his hometown of Ballymena in Northern Ireland. 

By the way, Scots-Irish are Evangelical settlers from Scotland who were given Irish land stolen by Evangelical English General Oliver Cromwell. 

Public and Catholic outrage would continue to grow at the light sentences given the torture murderers. In their original trial Mervyn Moone pled guilty and  was sentenced to a minimum sentence of 10 years to life, the other  men were given sentences of 10 to 13-years.  After their conviction at trial, even with the possibility of being let out early with good behavior, the 3 men then appealed their sentences, which was probably a huge mistake. At their retrial, the fact that they all knew that Moone had brought a deadly weapon with him, which meant they conspired to commit the murder of Micky-bo with him. The fact that they did NOTHING to stop the beating of the boy, not even as his screams, became cries, then whimpers as Micky-bo slipped into a coma. 

These pieces of human sewage are proclaimed as "heroes" by the Evangelical "christian" Orange Order for beating, torturing and murdering a child. Look at them and decide whether you agree with that description.

TORTURE/MURDERERS or Evangelical "Christian Heroes"? 

In 2017, Micky-bo's Mom was walking in downtown Ballymena Northern Ireland when she heard hysterical laughter, looking around she recognized Mervyn Moone, one of the four men who TORTURED and MURDERED her son, a man who had been let out of prison early for "good behavior," standing in front of her laughing at her. Micky-bo's outraged mom walked up to her son's TORTURE/MURDERER and slapped him, for which, she was immediately arrested and put in jail by an Evangelical Police Officer. Later she was convicted of assault by an Evangelical "christian" Judge.

Is that Justice? 


  1. Dear God, what does being a Democrat have to do with caring about this? Are you nuts? Humanity knows no political party. The two don't even compare. SMH

  2. If you want to be taken seriously, I would suggest you stop with the political rants. You come across as delusional. No one is going to take you seriously if you sound nuts.

  3. Silentium qui tacet consentire videtur. If I remain silent when faced with an act of injustice, like Jason and his family faced, then the sin becomes mine. Jason Bolton never got justice thanks to the CORRUPT REPUBLICAN SHERIFF AND HIS DEPARTMENT. Why didn't he arrest the witnesses who lied, including his relative? I don't agree with Republican "pro-life" "christian" values. NO ONE MUST EVER BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH TORTURING AND MURDERING A CHILD. I suggest you contact Republican Governor and Vice President Mike Pence and get him to do the job he REFUSED to do when he was in office and a REPUBLICAN HATE RADIO ANNOUNCER. I got into an argument with another Trump MAGA TRUMPETEER REPUBLICAN about an UNARMED 13-year-old boy who was SHOT IN THE BACK FOUR TIMES FOR NO CRIME. I wrote about it too. I assume as a Republican you want me to remain quite about that crime against humanity committed by right-wing Republican Blue Wall Police Officer. A Glendale Utah mom, Golda Baron, called 911 for help getting her mentally ill son, Linden Cameron has Asperger's/Autism, to the hospital for medication after a tantrum. Police arrive with guns drawn, the scared 13-year-old boy runs away in terror, POLICE SHOOT THE UNARMED 13-YEAR-OLD BOY 4 TIMES IN THE BACK FOR NO CRIME. Linden Cameron suffered bullet wounds to his shoulder, ankles, intestine and bladder, said his mother, Golda Barton. He was also beaten by police officers as he lay on the ground crying. Linden had no weapon and made no threats of violence. Linden remains paralyzed in his left hand. His family does not have the money to pay for his huge medical bill. The Mormon Utah Sheriff and DA said shooting the unarmed boy was a judgment call by the officers on scene. I am sure that excuse was used in Nazi Germany when Jewish/Gypsy children were shot by Nazi Police Officers. https://briankeithohara.blogspot.com/2020/12/13-year-old-michael-crowe-spent-6.html

  4. I'm a strong rebublican do you suggest I support the vile manor of this child's death!!! The main reason I'm a republican is because I'm against baby murder called Abortion! Do you think all Republicans are monsters WTF is wrong with people using a child's death to gain attention towards the government? Why the hell is politics brought into this to begin with my God this about a poor child losing his life in a horrific way I'm a mother of 4 I couldn't imagine going through what his parents must've felt and still do God bless them...

  5. When they sold Dozier Reform School in BIBLE BELT NORTHERN FLORIDA in 2012, they found boys' graves everywhere. Boys had told of horrific torture/murders for the whole time the facility was open. In 2019, they found 27 more boys' graves. We know one boy's story, the 10-year-old wet the bed. Kids in school found out, they ridiculed him, beat him up and bullied him. He stopped going to school. A judge threw him in Dozier Prison. The first night he was there he wet the bed, the BIBLE BELT "christian" guards grabbed him the next morning and stripped m naked and beat the crap out of him. Within a week the guards broke his arm in one of his daily torture sessions, within a month they beat him to death. Then the warden sent his family a FRAUDULENT letter saying he ran away and they would go to prison if they hid him out. After they started finding the graves, REPUBLICAN FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL Pam Bondi announced she would NOT prosecute the guards. I wrote about the hell hole twice on my blog: https://briankeithohara.blogspot.com/2016/12/sophie-and-hans-scholl-sometimes.html more in depth here: https://briankeithohara.blogspot.com/2014/11/lamar-potts-honest-georgia-sheriff-and.html

  6. I am a conservative and I do not support any of this heinous crime committed to this poor kid. My heart is broken for him. I highly respectfully suggest not to bring politics to his murder. Tjis was committed by EVIL pple no matter what pl arty the belong to. I will pray to God to aid in the search for his killers. No one will leave this world without paying their evil deeds.

  7. Then why did the Republican Sheriff NOT arrest the people who gave the FALSE STATEMENTS, which proves Consciousness of GUILT. In Keddie California in 1981, another Republican County Sheriff, Reagan County, next to Idaho, a mom and three children were tortured and murdered. The #1 suspect was an ex-army pal of the Sheriff, who had been his roommate until he got married. In 2015, the new Sheriff found a note in the bottom of an evidence box, from this guy, the Sheriff's army pal, to his wife from 1981, I bought your love with four people's lives. Turns out the Army psychologist admitted in questioning that the guy admitted the murder to him, but he never told anyone. Also, he admitted he got the 12-year-old daughter pregnant which prompted the incident. Read about it here: https://briankeithohara.blogspot.com/2014/11/lamar-potts-honest-georgia-sheriff-and.html I asked myself, would a best friend or relative expect that from me. The answer is NO.

  8. After the Republican Sheriff found out that Jason had been CASTRATED, he knew that the four eyewitnesses LIED, which is a CRIME, and had reason to suspect that they had actively participated in Jason's TORTURE/MURDER. THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY GUILTY OF HINDERING PROSECUTION, LYING TO A POLICE OFFICER, but were never prosecuted. THE REPUBLICAN SHERIFF DID NOTHING, if you can offer any defense for NOT DOING A DAMN THING, then I'll listen, if you gloss over it like so many people from Indiana do, then we have nothing left to discuss. It is obvious that no investigation was done and Jason's life meant nothing to the police, sheriff, DA or anyone involved in the criminal justice system. In 1981, at Keddie CA, 3 children and a mom were murdered. The REPUBLICAN SHERIFF was an ex-army buddy and former roommate of the #1 Suspect. During an interview with a child who survived the massacre, a detective "accidentally" cut off the tape recorder 15 seconds in to the child's interview.

  9. Can only surmise from reading articles that this beautiful child was in fact tortured and murdered and that is horrific!
    Someone(s) need to “pay” for this crime and it’s disgusting they have been able to go on and live their lives free. I was going to share this to help get the word out in hopes that with enough exposure people may finally be brought to justice; however, you didn’t just post the info, you had to throw in politics and completely over shadow what I thought was the intent. Who gives a sh*t about anyone’s political stance, race, religion etc… An innocent child was tortured and murdered!!! All you have done is give a perfect example of one of the many reasons this country is going down the drain, not focusing on what’s true, real, important. Despicable!

  10. The fact that no one ever arrested the witnesses/perpetrator(s)(?) tells me the fix was in and no one would ever be brought to justice for this HORRIFIC TORTURE MURDER. If you can justify the Republican Sheriff NOT arresting the witnesses who lied, then I will listen, making excuses does NOT CUT IT.

  11. Exactly what is your point, no proof, no evidence, just venom and poison. Your parents must be so proud to have raised such a shallow, ignorant child.

  12. I first read about the Jason Bolton case here. I then started researching the case and wrote a post about the case on my blog. I am a German true crime blogger. I run two blogs. Once I have a blog dealing with unsolved missing persons and murder cases from Germany and neighboring countries and once I have a blog dealing with unsolved and solved missing persons and murder cases worldwide.

    In the second blog I wrote extensively about the Jason Bolton case. I've been a true crime blogger for over 13 years and I've always encountered human abysses, but this case made me very emotionally angry. It bothers me how the law enforcement authorities have handled the case and I really don't understand why they have been and are so inactive. But I would like to say that something like this could also happen with democratically run authorities. I think there are these "black sheep" everywhere. As a German, I can say that here in democratic Germany there are also cases where everything is obvious but nothing is done. And of course I don't want to badmouth the American system because I'm not directly involved and I don't live in the United States, but as I said, unfortunately there are black sharps everywhere.

    Don't belittle all other Republicans. Regardless of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you should accept which side you choose and also respect other opinions, values ​​or views. But what you should never accept is the inaction of authorities. Everyone, whether Democrat or Republican, should stand up for something like this, after all, an innocent child was tortured and brutally murdered!

    I think your work is good and I will definitely write another article on my blog about the Mickey-Bo case.

    Greetings from Germany Natalia. {I hope my English is understandable}

  13. When someone does something to give this boy justice, I will modify my comments about Republicans. This is not a question of an oversight/mistake. The four eyewitnesses lied, when Jason was tortured/murdered, which is two crimes, the witnessed committed perjury/lying to an officer of the law and hindering prosecution. That was obvious the second Jason's autopsy was completed. I have two more cases about a 13-year-old boy named Michael Crowe from 1998 and Steven Truscott from 1959. In Michael's case, his 12-year-old sister was murdered/raped. Police said he did it. Well, a mentally ill man was seen in the neighborhood the night of the murder. Police confiscated the man's shirt and said they tested it, it was dirty but no evidence relating to the crime. Well the crime lab lied. The defense got the shirt sent to a profession independent lab and the found Michael's sister's blood on it. 14-year-old Steven Truscott's case is simpler, police, prosecutors and the coroner committed perjury to frame him. But it was the coroner's lie which got Steven sentenced to HANG. The coroner said 13-year-old Lynne Harper was murdered between 7 and 7:30 on the days she disappeared. There is NO dispute that Steven was alone with her at that time. But 40 years after his conviction and sentence to hang, Steven's lawyers got the coroner's original autopsy notes from Lynne Harper's autopsy. In his official notes, he said Lynne died, followed by lying in 80 F degree temperatures for 2 days, between 7 and 11 PM, possibly midnight. https://briankeithohara.blogspot.com/2020/12/13-year-old-michael-crowe-spent-6.html

  14. Brian,

    Excellent post! I am surprised this case has yet to receive the attention it deserves from mainstream media. I am currently researching this case to write an article. I would like to include the autopsy reports and wanted to know if I could credit you and use them. Please get back to me when convenient. My name is Kym Pasqualini, I am the founder and former CEO of the National Center for Missing Adults and have over thirty years of experience advocating for victims. Please feel free to Google my name. It would be an honor to work with you.

  15. You are more than welcome to use any of my research. These are the kind of cases which get to me. I wrote about Frank Struthers Jr, when he was 15-years-old, he came home from the lake and found his Stepdad, Lino LaBianca and mom Rosemary LaBianca murdered by the Manson family. He became a 15-year-old alcoholic abandoned by everyone except his dad, Rosemary's 2nd husband. Whenever anyone says give the Manson family parole, I remind them Frank served a life sentence. He died alone and forgotten in 2017.
